Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Splunk Operator 1.1.0 Released: Monitoring Console Strikes Back!

The latest version of the Splunk Operator builds upon the release we made last year with a whole host of new features and fixes. We like Kubernetes for Splunk since it allows us to automate away a lot of the Splunk Administrative toil needed to set up and run distributed environments. It also brings a resiliency and ease of scale to our heavy-lifting components like Search Heads and Indexer Clusters.

What is Splunk? (2022)

How do you thrive in today’s unpredictable world? You keep your digital systems secure and resilient. And above all, you innovate, innovate, innovate. Splunk is the extensible data platform that processes data from any cloud, any data center and any third party tool. At massive scale. We’re ready to help you accelerate your digital transformation and pave the way for incredible innovation.

API Testing vs Monitoring: What's The Difference?

We’ve already outlined why API performance matters and what aspects of APIs to test, but what is the difference between API testing and monitoring? As with most things, context matters. The use cases for testing and monitoring are different because the objectives are different. The ultimate goal is to verify that your APIs are functioning properly, but staging environments vary significantly from production environments.

Tackling Your Carbon Footprint with the Sustainability Toolkit for Splunk

Simple questions can be overwhelming and not knowing the answer after a mouse click is no longer an option: Sustainability is top of mind for organizations across all verticals and Splunk can help with the power of data. Our upcoming Sustainability Toolkit based on the Splunk platform equips organizations with capabilities to gain deep insights into their carbon footprint and as such empowers them to take the necessary actions towards their carbon neutrality goals.

Log Observer Connect: Leverage the power of Splunk Enterprise data in Splunk Observability Cloud

With Splunk Log Observer Connect it’s easier than ever to correlate all of your metric, trace and log data to deliver better customer experiences! Available now for existing Splunk Enterprise and Splunk Observability Customers. Log Observer Connect lets observability users explore the data they’re already sending to their existing Splunk instances with Splunk Log Observer’s intuitive no-code interface integrated in Splunk Observability, for faster troubleshooting, root-cause analysis and better cross-team collaboration.

API Testing: An Introduction

Digital businesses are making a radical change in the way they build and deliver software. Gone are the days of apps that rely solely on in-house tools. Rather, today’s apps are increasingly dependent on external APIs and third-party app providers (which, in turn, are reliant on other APIs and apps). While this type of modularity allows for product flexibility and rapid development, it can be difficult to address any issues that arise.

A Primer for Monitor as Code: How to use Splunk Observability Cloud with Terraform

Managing the complexities of today’s cloud native infrastructure has resulted in the increased need for observability. As cloud adoption continues to grow, the need to deliver a better customer experience, scale efficiently and increase momentum on innovation has never been more important. For many organizations to carry out these principles, two technologies are helping organizations deliver on these goals faster: Monitoring-as-Code and Infrastructure-as-Code.

Splunk Embarks on AWS Graviton Journey with Amazon EC2 Im4gn and Is4gen Instances

We are excited to announce that Splunk Cloud Platform is moving to next generation AWS Graviton2 processor hardware to help enable enhanced performance for customers who choose AWS as a provider. This begins a phased transition of our Splunk Cloud Platform indexer tier in a move that will help Splunk operate more efficiently and provide customers with the cutting edge in processing technology.

Getting Started with Machine Learning at Splunk

I’m sure many of you have heard of our Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) app and may even have played around with it. Some of you might actually have production workloads that rely on MLTK without being aware of it, such as predictive analytics in Splunk IT Service Intelligence (ITSI) or MLTK searches in Splunk Enterprise Security.

Is the Cloud an Experience or a Destination?

In a recent episode of the Cloud Happens podcast, Archana Venkatraman, Associate Research Director in Cloud Data Management at IDC Europe talks about how the cloud isn’t a destination. It’s a continuum; a journey. In this blog, we explore that idea a bit more and dive into what really encapsulates a cloud experience. How can modern enterprises benefit from their cloud journey to solve the most gnarly data challenges to unlock innovation, enhance security, and drive resilience.