Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


API & HTTP Headers: How to Use Request Headers in API Checks

In previous posts we covered why it’s important to monitor APIs and how to monitor and validate data from APIs. In this post we’ll focus on a simple but key feature that helps Splunk Synthetic Monitoring users create robust checks for availability, response time, and multi-step processes: Request Headers

Quickly identify client side errors and latency, with Splunk RUM

Splunk RUM (Real User Monitoring) helps software engineers quickly identify and isolate the most glaring client side performance issues, from errors to latency. Easily measure performance across your entire production environment, to specific services or applications, and seamlessly click into backend service performance.

SRE Metrics: Four Golden Signals of Monitoring

SRE (site reliability engineering) is a discipline used by software engineering and IT teams to proactively build and maintain more reliable services. SRE is a functional way to apply software development solutions to IT operations problems. From IT monitoring to software delivery to incident response – site reliability engineers are focused on building and monitoring anything in production that improves service resiliency without harming development speed.

Splunk Beyond Logs: Getting to Observability

Those of us of a certain age know well the saying “Nobody got fired for buying IBM.” In the log analysis and security world, we’ve become lucky to get to the point where people are saying “Nobody gets fired for buying Splunk.” Our success in these areas has definitely created a perception for what products Splunk has and what we can offer to our customers. The problem is that most of these perceptions don’t capture the full power of Splunk.

Observability for AWS Fargate Deployments Powered by Graviton2 Processors

Today, cloud native technologies empower a number of organizations to build and run scalable applications in public, private and hybrid cloud environments. Developer and operation teams can build and deploy applications, APIs and microservices architectures with the speed and immutability of containers. Gartner predicts that by 2024, more than 75% of large enterprises in mature economies will be using containers in production.

Introducing New Storage Dashboards in the Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC)

Monitoring and gaining additional insights about usage of your Splunk Cloud Platform deployment is essential for effective management as a Splunk admin. Your Splunk Cloud comes with the Cloud Monitoring Console (CMC) app, which displays relevant information about the status of your Splunk Cloud environment using pre-built dashboards.

Help Yourself to Splunk Knowledge

How do I…? During your time as a Splunk customer, you will begin many of your questions this way. Our products have a lot of features to grasp, a lot of flexibility to master, and a lot of power to help you solve your business problems. Learning how to get the maximum value out of our capabilities can take some time. That is why there are dedicated groups of Splunk knowledge workers creating content to help you take advantage of opportunities quickly.