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Monitor AWS Outposts with Splunk Infrastructure Monitoring

AWS Outposts is a fully managed service that extends AWS infrastructure, AWS services, APIs, and tools to virtually any datacenter, co-location space, or on-premises facility for a truly consistent hybrid experience. The rapid adoption of hybrid IT has driven the need for a more consistent and standardized availability of cloud resources and operations so IT teams can rapidly deliver services deployed either on the public cloud or on-premises.

Splunk with the Power of Deep Learning Analytics and GPU Acceleration

Splunk is a machine data platform with advanced analytic capabilities that allows anyone to get valuable insights from their data. With unlimited use cases, you can leverage SPL to run any analytics you want. SPL has been supporting native machine learning capabilities for some time now. All you have to do is install the Splunk Machine Learning Toolkit (MLTK) and you are good to start predicting !

Performing Your Best in the Virtual Age!

Application performance monitoring is vital for keeping software and gaming companies at a level above with providing effective data and cloud usage for applications, software, and platforms for their employees and customers. The rise of remote working has coincided with a boom in streaming, gaming, and other virtual activities. This has led to increased usability, and performance management challenges for gaming and software organizations.

Denmark's Largest Utility Company Accelerates Incident Response

As Denmark’s largest power, utility and telecommunications company servicing 1.5 million customers, Norlys understands the need for fast response to security alerts. When the company first started, the Norlys security team built their own log analytics and incident response capabilities from the ground up. This homegrown approach presented challenges, including manual workflows, too many repetitive tasks and difficult-to-maintain processes.

Splunk Data Stream Processor & Splunk Phantom - The Need For Speed

What is the benefit of combining the power of Data Stream Processor (DSP) and Splunk Phantom? I will give you a hint - the answer involves speed and extensibility. In today's security landscape, speed to detect and mitigate security attacks or outages is of the utmost importance. A slow response to a security incident can have a detrimental impact to your organization's bottom line.

Get Your Role On with the Splunk Platform

First of all, thanks to everyone for the great response we received on the revival of this blog series. It validates what we believed all along — our customers take a great interest in the security of our products, and you enjoy learning more about our security features. So we are on that vibe, and we’re going to continue the updates because we have a lot to talk about.

Detecting Data Exfiltration Via the Use of SNICat

I used to have a cat who loved ice cream. I think I may have given her some as a kitten, and from then on, anytime that she saw someone eating ice cream she would do her best to try and steal some from them. And even if she didn’t really seem to enjoy a particular flavor, she still seemed driven to try and steal that person’s ice cream. Like my cat stealing ice cream, bad guys are constantly trying to target organizations and their data for nefarious purposes.

SAP and Splunk: A Winning Combination

You’re running Splunk — you know how valuable end-to-end visibility saves you both time and money. But...what if you’re running an SAP solution? You’re likely using SAP's Solution Manager to keep an eye on its software, but if Solution Manager sees that HANA is not working, it really can’t tell you why, if the issue is beneath SAP. Splunk and SAP recognized that, and have a shared goal of helping our customers realize the full potential of their data.

Mind the Permission Gap

A few weeks ago, researching another topic, I posed a question - Which domain within the security ecosystem has struggled to move the needle over the past few years? After trawling through a multitude of annual breach analysts reports (Verizon Breach Report, M-Trends, et al., I concluded that “identities accessing cloud infrastructure” was an irritatingly tough nut to crack.

Click, Fulfill, Wrap, Repeat: Getting Retailers Ready for the 2020 Holiday Season

On Dasher, on Dancer, on Prancer to online. Even Santa’s reindeer don’t know what to expect in the coming months as we brace for a very different retail holiday season. The global pandemic continues to influence shopper behaviors as retailers acknowledge that a playbook doesn’t exist for what’s to come.