Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Icinga Camp Berlin 2018 - Automated Monitoring in heterogeneous environments

The world out there is neither perfect nor uniform, and that’s good as it is. You’re using VMware, but also running KVM. A little bit of AWS is a must, and something has been deployed to Azure. Evaluation projects for Mesos/Marathon and Kubernetes are on the run, some of them already running in production. A lot of information is in your Active Directory, but some departments are only half-way in.

Icinga Camp Berlin 2018 - Dev and Ops stories: Integrations++

There are many tools and possibilities available in the Icinga monitoring ecosystem. It isn't just checks and notifications anymore. Visualize what's going on, collect metrics with Graphite, InfluxDB and Grafana. Correlate log events with monitoring alerts in Elastic/Graylog. Don't forget about ticket systems and fancy office dashboards too.

Icinga Camp Berlin 2018 - Graphs tell Stories

I want to tell you a story, based on true events. Dave is in his early twenties and he just started his new job as a Systems Engineer in this strange IT company. His ambition is to become the most aspiring and omniscient operator the company has seen. Through his journey of debugging issues and hunting users he learns many things helping him to troubleshoot and improve running systems.

Icinga Monthly Snap February: Icinga Camp Berlin & New York, Howtos & #icingalove

Icinga is coming to Berlin for the 3rd time next week, and we are super excited to share the latest developments with you. And of course to meet again with our awesome community and have a couple of G&Ts :) If you can’t make it, our first Icinga Camp New York happens on March 16th the week after!