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5 Professional Tools for Prototyping your New UX Project

It is probably the best time to be a designer right now since there are many online tools and software that targets designing pain points and simplifies them. From the creation of an idea down to its realization; designers can find appropriate tools that will help them in drawing out their thoughts, figuring out the complexities, and finding out how the users interact with their designs.

Trouble free remote employment with Elium

Remote working or freelancing is an emerging trend. It has been analyzed through research and surveys that remote workers are more productive than in-house workers. Freelancers all across the world agree that working remotely saves them from workplace stress, office politics and following a boring routine. It ultimately helps them to increase their focus and productivity. However, the main issue that they face in this work structure is of constant communication and collaboration.

Best 13 Tools to Analyze Your Competitor's Website

Your website doesn’t exist in a vacuum, and there are likely competing websites. Some do better than you and get more traffic, engagement, and so on. Others don’t fare as well as you do. How do you make sure that your website is one of the successful ones and not one that’s likely to fail? Research.

5 Must-Have Hashtag Tracking Tools for Bloggers and Website Owners

Are you writing a social media marketing paper? Maybe you are a marketer wondering how to leverage hashtags to grow your brand? Is so, social media is now integral in digital marketing. If you want to grow your brand online, you have to build a presence where your target market is. There are about 3.4 billion people on social media, making this a top catchment area for your customers.

3 Great Tools to Help You in Web Design

An outstanding website appeals to visitors and will help you meet your digital marketing or presence goals. Technology has solved the problem of inadequate skills by providing innovative tools to aid web designers in their quest to deliver the most responsive sites. If you are looking for professional graduate paper writing help, engage experienced writers who will deliver captivating papers that boost your performance.

Cux - Innovating Testing Trends

When starting an online business, people are usually not aware of what their targeted audience needs to see and how they will see it. For instance, businesses don’t realize why website visitors don’t convert into paying customers. Well, there could be several issues triggering such an occurrence like unattractive UI, complicated webpage view, or long response time. Tackling such issues and tracking website visitor behavior thus became an area of interest for most organizations.

7 Essential Tools Remote Workers Need to Communicate with Their Peers

Remote working is a dream job for most people, especially millennials. Forbes revealed that 92% of millennials want to work remotely, while 87% of them want more flexibility in work hours, unlike the current 9-to-5 system. In the next few years, millennials will be a major force in the workspace, making 75% of the global workforce and 36% of the U.S workforce by 2025. This fact alone means that the demand for remote working will only get stronger in the years to come.

Top 10 Web Applications for Data Visualization

Data visualization is an essential concept in the field of data science. So much so that whenever you want to analyze any set of data, you must always incorporate data visualization. Regardless, the majority of people still do not have a proper understanding of this concept and how to implement it. Therefore, in this article, we define data visualization and examine ten website applications for performing it.

How to Convert More Leads, Retain More Customers & Grow Your Revenue with Encharge.io

Marketing automation is everywhere. It helps make processes that would have otherwise been performed manually much more efficient, as well as making new processes possible. Marketing automation is used to deliver targeted messages across multiple channels (SMS, push notifications, social media messages, direct mail, etc.) to a broader audience at the right time.

5 Useful Content Optimization Tools for SEO

When it comes to running a website, one of the hardest things to accomplish is a high SEO ranking. Understandably, this is also the most important thing in terms of your website’s success. In order to get your website out there for people to find, you need to impress Google and its algorithms. This goes beyond just picking a great design or publishing a nice written piece or two.