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Logstash Grok Tutorial with Examples

Logstash can parse CSV and JSON files easily, but that’s because data in those formats are perfectly organized and ready for Elasticsearch analysis. Sometimes, though, we need to work with unstructured data, like plain-text logs for example. In these cases, we’ll need to parse the data to make it structured data using Logstash Grok. This tutorial will enable you to take full advantage of Elasticsearch’s analysis and querying capabilities by parsing with Logstash Grok.

Advanced Guide to Kibana Timelion

Kibana Timelion is a time-series based visualization language that enables you to analyze time-series data in a more flexible way. compared to other visualization types that Kibana offers. Instead of using a visual editor to create visualizations, Timelion uses a combination of chained functions, with a unique syntax, to depict any visualization, as complex as it may be.

How DevOps Monitoring Impacts Your Organization

DevOps monitoring didn’t simply become part of the collective engineering consciousness. It was built, brick by brick, by practices that have continued to grow and flourish with each new technological innovation. Have you ever been forced to sit back in your chair, your phone buzzing incessantly, SSH windows and half-written commands dashing across your screen, and admit that you’re completely stumped? Nothing is behaving as it should and your investigations have been utterly fruitless.