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Easy Lambda Function Monitoring with the AWS Lambda InfluxDB Template

AWS Lambda is a serverless compute service that allows you to run code without having to manage servers. Lambda provides autoscaling and bills only on compute time, so you aren’t paying for unused resources. Some common use cases are file processing, stream processing, and acting as a backend for web and mobile applications. AWS Lambda functions can be invoked with external HTTP requests as well as by events triggered by over 200 different AWS services.

Getting Started with Ruby and InfluxDB

Scroll down for the author’s photo and bio. Time series databases like InfluxDB index data by time. They are efficient at recording constant data streams like server metrics, application monitoring, sensor reports, or any other data containing a timestamp. The structure makes analyzing change over time a breeze. This tutorial will show you how to set up InfluxDB with a sample Ruby application.

MQTT Topic and Payload Parsing with Telegraf

Buckle up, this one isn’t short…but I’m hoping it will be thoroughly informative! This post is about Telegraf as a consumer of MQTT messages in the context of writing them to InfluxDB. If you are interested in and unfamiliar with Telegraf, you can view docs here. Unsure if Telegraf aligns with your needs? I make a case for it in the Optimizing Writes section of this blog post. It may also help to have an understanding of Line Protocol, InfluxDB’s default accepted format.