Discover Unknown Service Interaction Patterns With Istio & Honeycomb

Discover Unknown Service Interaction Patterns With Istio & Honeycomb

Mar 28, 2023

Istio service meshes enable organizations to secure, connect, and monitor microservices to modernize their enterprise apps more swiftly and securely. With the addition of distributed tracing and powerful observability tooling, platform operators can gain immediate actionable insights about their applications.

Understand how each microservice is called, and which downstream services it depends upon. Visualize the entire stack trace, and discover unknown patterns about how your services interact with each other. In this session, we enable distributed tracing telemetry from Istio to be emitted into an OpenTelemetry collector. This architecture allows for the telemetry to be consumed by any OpenTelemetry compatible backend. Bio: is the industry’s leading cloud-native application networking company. We connect, secure, and observe the world’s Kubernetes applications and APIs. Our Gloo platform is used by 100s of companies worldwide, across more than a dozen industries. For most companies, the Gloo platform is the next step in their cloud journey. All products are based on open source technologies, such as Istio, Envoy, Kubernetes, Cilium, eBPF, GraphQL, WebAssembly, Linux, and many others.