GitKraken Workshops: Simplify Your Jira Workflows
Learn how the GitKraken DevEx platform simplifies managing your Jira issues. With GitKraken Desktop, you can effortlessly view and update Jira issues directly from your Git workspace. Create branches from Jira issues, link commits, and maintain traceability with deep linking back into GitKraken tools from Jira. Enhance productivity with features like smart commits and automated issue transitions, ensuring your Jira workflows are efficient and synchronized.
0:00 - Introduction
2:15 - GitKraken Desktop
10:58 - GitKraken CLI
13:44 - Q&A (part 1)
16:05 - GitLens
19:46 -
23:58 - Git Integration for Jira
30:03 - Q&A (part 2)
Discover more tutorials in our Workshop series:
#git #versioncontrol #jira #developers #devtools #devteams