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February 2021

3 Ways IT Can Unblock Mergers & Acquisitions Problems in the Pandemic Era

Even when businesses are functioning as usual, mergers and acquisitions are intense and demanding transitions for companies to pull off. From the constant communication required in the preparation phase, to the technical demands of integrating two teams, a merger or acquisition forces companies to exhaust resources in order to make the transition a smooth success. Then the pandemic hit.

Want to be an Effective IT Leader? You Need to Care About Experience Management

What is more important – time saved or time well spent? How you think about this problem and how you’d go about measuring it is an important consideration for managers who aspire to be leaders in today’s digital workplace. In IT and beyond, focusing on experience over service is the difference between managing the status quo and leading a change that pushes an organization forward.

4 Tips for IT to Conquer their Big, Ugly, Remote Experience Challenges

“The best laid plans of mice and men, go oft awry, and leave us nothing but grief and pain” It may sound cliché but think back on the 2020 you had laid out and the 2020 you experienced and you’ll know it’s true. No matter what company you work for or what your job description entails, I’m willing to bet you had to throw a lot of good plans out the window when the pandemic hit. And if you didn’t, call me, I’d like your advice on some lottery numbers.

IT Innovations in Personalization and End User Personas - Q&A with Prabhu Kaliaperumal

The days of the one-size-fits-all IT strategy are over. Employees have higher expectations for their workplace experience than ever before – which leads to growing tension when their unique needs are not met by IT. The only solution is a full embrace of personalized, right-sized IT services. Delivering consistent personalized service is easier said than done, however. Organizations must first develop a comprehensive understanding of their employees.

A Conversation With Pedro Bados and Bruce Chizen

"Very similar to what Adobe's mission was around content, Nexthink is doing around the employee and their digital experiences." —Bruce Chizen 🚀 Watch now to hear Bruce, Pedro Bados, and Bernd Leger discuss our latest funding round, $1.1B valuation, and what this news means for Nexthink down the line. Welcome to the board, Bruce!

A New Chapter: Nexthink's $1.1B Valuation

Among the many topics that a tech founder CEO can write about in a blog, I always feel that fundraising announcements are the least glorious especially when compared to announcing great achievements such as business growth, new products, or meaningful partnerships. However, funding is a moment when others take notice, it’s a major milestone for the team and an acknowledgement from the market that what we’re building is needed and in-demand.

Microsoft Announces Improvements in File Upload Limits for OneDrive

In July of 2020, Microsoft announced that it was improving its upload file size limit from 15GB to 100GB for all OneDrive users. Now, the company has released an even bigger update – as OneDrive users are now able to upload files up to 250GB in size. Support for this new upgrade, which will also affect Microsoft Teams and SharePoint users, began its rollout in January.

Supporting Citrix Customers Through the Desktop Virtualization Lifecycle

We recently achieved Citrix® Ready verified status for the Nexthink Experience Platform. The completion of this rigorous testing and verification process serves to validate the tremendous value our joint customers enjoy across the entire lifecycle of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops projects. This value proposition holds true for on premise deployments as well as migrations to Citrix Cloud.

Automation & the Digital Workplace: The End of the IT Generalist

Everyone knows that automation is set to have a profound impact on the world of work in the coming years. Often called the ‘fourth industrial revolution,’ the impact is widely expected to be as profound as the industrial revolution itself. Just as mechanical systems replaced the works of human hands in the 19th century, artificial intelligence is expected to significantly supplant human brainpower in the 21st century, with equally profound impact on our personal and professional lives.

Managing Your Invisible Workforce

To say that things have changed since March 2020 is so commonplace it’s becoming trite. Everybody knows that people have worked from home where possible. HR and IT functions have dovetailed as never before. The HR personnel are therefore likely to be working from home, but they have an additional pressure: they are supporting, and their managers are managing, teams they can’t see.