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October 2021

Introduction to Kubernetes Storage

As Kubernetes Pods don't store data persistently, it offers different storage components to prevent this data loss. In this blog, learn how Volume works in Kubernetes, how to create it, and how to attach it to the Pod. Before exploring Kubernetes volumes, let’s first understand Docker. Docker containers are meant to be transient, which means they will only last for a short period. They are called upon when required to process data and are destroyed once finished.

Differences between Site Reliability Engineer Vs. Software Engineer Vs. Cloud Engineer Vs. DevOps Engineer

The evolution of Software Engineering over the last decade has lead to the emergence of numerous job roles. So how different is a Software Engineer, DevOps Engineer, Site Reliability Engineer and a Cloud Engineer from each other? In this blog, we drill down and compare the differences between these roles and their functions.

Implementing Istio in a Kubernetes cluster

As the complexity of a microservice architecture grows, it becomes important to implement a service mesh for better insights into your cluster and microservices. In this blog, Kristijan explains how Istio can be used as a service mesh, along with a detailed installation steps & configuration setup. Service Mesh? You’ve heard about it, but does it solve something, or is it just another hot buzzword in the industry?

Configuration, Access, and Connection to GCP CloudSQL for PostgreSQL

GCP is increasingly being used by teams all over. In this blog, Uzziah explains how CloudSQL is Google Cloud Platform’s solution that provides a managed PostgreSQL and MySQL server. Relational databases are the preferred choice for persisting data in most non-trivial applications. CloudSQL is Google Cloud Platform’s solution that provides a managed PostgreSQL and MySQL server.