Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

March 2023

What are you learning from your incidents?

Think about this—what was the last incident that challenged you? Did you learn anything from it? It will be shocking to no one to hear that we deal with our fair share of incidents. These run the gamut from tiny bugs to significant outages (thankfully, the latter happening only very rarely 😮‍💨). Either way, we always take the time to learn from them in some way. This might look like changes to our response processes or revisiting systems we’re using.

Embracing the active user paradox

Question—when was the last time you purchased a new product and sat down to read the manual end-to-end before getting started? Ask this question to a room of 10 people and you’d likely get one or two hand raises, even though reading first could save you time and preempt many of the questions you’re likely to ask. Herein lies the problem when it comes to creating a SaaS product.