Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud

December 2020

How to monitor Amazon Aurora RDS logs and metrics

Aurora, a hosted relational database service available on the Amazon cloud, is a popular solution for teams that want to be able to work with tooling that is compatible with MySQL and PostgreSQL without running an actual MySQL or PostgreSQL database. In order to leverage Aurora’s benefits fully, it’s critical to log and analyze the various types of monitoring data that are available from an Aurora environment.

Recommendations for monitoring SolarWinds supply chain attack with Sumo Logic Cloud SIEM

The global security community recently learned of a supply chain attack against SolarWinds via their Orion® Platform. In this blog we are providing recommendations for Sumo Logic customers to gain a deeper understanding of how to utilize available Indicators of Compromise (IOCs) within our Cloud SIEM offerings to determine your exposure to the attack. Additionally, we’re sharing targeted search recommendations from our Sumo Logic Special Operations (or SpecOps) threat hunting team.

Secure Your Cloud Transformation with Continuous Intelligence

CrowdStrike and Sumo Logic work together to identify security threats and defend against IOCs in a hybrid environment. Customers gain knowledge on adversaries which may be targeting their assets and organisation via strategic, operational and technical reporting and alerts. During this session, we’ll hear from Australian private health provider, NIB, on how Sumo Logic and CrowdStrike have worked together to help NIB secure its digital transformation and cloud environment.

Alerts to answers: guided root cause exploration for AWS apps (Snoop)

Troubleshooting incidents in a modern AWS app is challenging given the diversity of AWS services in use and the dependencies between them. This customer session will lead AWS infra/DevOps engineers and SREs through a root cause exploration methodology and best practices that will reduce time to resolution.

Automatic correlation of FireEye red team tool countermeasure detections

Sumo Logic has reviewed the announced breach on December 8, 2020 by FireEye and their subsequent public release of over 300 countermeasure rules. We are continuing to analyze the available information and would like to share this update to all existing and prospective customers interested in how our Sumo Logic services can assist with this development.

Illuminate 2020 Keynote: Christian Beedgen

Watch as Christian Beedgen, Co-Founder & CTO of Sumo Logic shares his thoughts and musings on Sumo Logic’s ten year anniversary, and some great tech talk, including a demonstration of our end-to-end observability solution for DevSecOps. This keynote session was part of Sumo Logic’s 4th annual Illuminate user conference.

Application Performance Management for Microservices with Sumo Logic

Distributed tracing allows you to track the execution of your user's transactions by following them between applications’ microservices. It provides easy to understand visualizations of transactional lifespan with the ability to pinpoint any slowdowns and errors in response to microservices. During my presentation at Illuminate, I shared that we extended the Sumo Logic platform to cover application performance use cases.

How to Monitor Amazon Redshift

Amazon Redshift is a cloud-based data warehousing solution that makes it easy to collect and analyze large quantities of data within the cloud. Cloud data warehouse services like Redshift can remove some of the performance and availability pain-points associated with on-premises data warehousing, but they are not a silver bullet. Getting the most out of Redshift requires carefully monitoring Redshift clusters in order to identify stability issues and performance bottlenecks.

Building your modern cloud SIEM

SIEM has traditionally earned itself a bad reputation as an unwieldy and unmanageable tool that really never lived up to its promises. In my presentation during Illuminate, I talked about what Sumo Logic is doing to modernize log analytics and SIEM as a whole. Today, we see that despite how overall technology is accelerating, security always seems to lag behind. In Sumo Logic, we address this head-on.

What do dog's pondering and "Observability" have in common?

Observability is arguably the tech buzzword of the year. Whether or not you believe the hype, observability is all about how to ensure overall system health and deliver reliable customer experiences. This is done by observing the system, and when a problem arises, using real-time analytics to quickly help identify the what, where, and why of the problem. In this video, Sumo Logic co-founder and CTO Christian Beedgen takes a closer look at: In addition, the video features a live demo of Sumo Logic’s end-to-end observability solution.

Achieve Business Objectives with Data Driven Observability - Webinar

Modern financial services company Snoop uses open banking and artificial intelligence (AI) to analyse customers’ transactions and spending. But as the volume, variety, and sensitivity of data it manages increases, so does the complexity. Watch this “fireside chat” style webinar to learn how to gain unified visibility across your Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure. Listen as experts from Snoop, Sumo Logic, and AWS share tips and tools to help you glean game-changing insights in real time, economically, and at scale.

Building your modern SIEM, Unique security requirements for cloud and modern technologies

Digital transformation has changed the attack surface, and organizations are generating more data than ever before. What does this mean from a security standpoint? Attend this session and hear more about what makes a modern SaaS SIEM solution and why it’s critical for detecting threats across your hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructures. Finally, we’ll explore what tomorrow’s SIEM might look like.

Monitoring Microsoft SQL Best Practices

For decades, Microsoft SQL has been a leading relational database solution within Windows-based environments. The extension of Microsoft SQL support to Linux servers in 2017 made the platform even more popular. There’s a good chance that, no matter which types of infrastructure or servers you manage, there are Microsoft SQL databases residing somewhere on them. That’s why it’s critical to understand the fundamentals of Microsoft SQL monitoring.

Case study: Genesys' journey to the cloud and DevOps excellence

Continuous improvement and learning are two of the core tenets of the Genesys Cloud Native solutions team. In this session, Kal Patel, Principal Architect at Genesys will discuss how they use Sumo Logic Analytics across the company (from engineering, ops to security to customer support). Kal will also share insights on how the continuous improvement and learnings mindset has influenced his organization.

Onboard your tracing data to Sumo Logic even faster with AWS OpenTelemetry distro (preview)

We at Sumo Logic believe in an open, flexible, community-driven approach to collecting observability data. Those reasons are outlined in one of my recent blogs. In that publication, I share the belief that an application’s observability gains traction from the fact that telemetry signals are designed, composed, and produced by an application developer/vendor in compliance with industry standards, and are not a proprietary, black box component of the monitoring vendor.

Entity empowered troubleshooting

Modern applications are sufficiently instrumented and complex, creating a swell of data that's hard to navigate, parse and understand without proper context. Entities provide the backbone of your data streams, enabling you to tie all the individual measurements back to the objects and their interactions that happen on your actual stack. By traversing entities and overlaying raw data, Sumo Logic can help tie together raw signals with root causes.

Sumo Logic partners with AWS to monitor Amazon EKS Distro

Today Amazon announced Amazon EKS Distro, a distribution for Kubernetes based on and used by Amazon EKS. Amazon EKS Distro enables you to create secure and reliable Kubernetes clusters using the same versions of Kubernetes and its dependencies deployed by Amazon EKS. Each Amazon EKS Distro release follows the EKS process, verifying new Kubernetes versions for compatibility.