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Asset Management

The latest News and Information on Asset Management, Device Management and related technologies.

IT Asset Discovery & Tracking: How to Get the Most Out of IT Asset Management

It is general knowledge that most businesses are used to managing their IT assets through only a spreadsheet and a list of invoices. The critical problem with this system is that it is far too simple a mechanism to be able to maintain the asset inventory for hundreds or thousands of hardware devices and software licenses, let alone handle the different aspects of the IT asset life cycle like.

Continuous Vulnerability Management Is a Must

Face it. Your IT systems may be secure today, but what about next week? Granted, as stated by the Center for Internet Security (CIS), you and your team members must operate in a constant stream of new information—software updates, patches, security advisories, threat bulletins, and more. But as you know, attackers have access to the same information and can leverage gaps between the onset of new knowledge and remediation.

Accelerate Logons and Combat Browser Profile Bloat in Your Multi-Browser Estate with Avanite and Ivanti

Today’s modern IT estates see big increases year-over-year in the use of SaaS-based applications. In addition, with more applications being accessed through the browser, managing browser usage, data, and synchronization has become critical to positive experience for local, mobile, and remote users. Combining Ivanti Environment Manager and Avanite WebData Control offers IT teams enhanced browser management and accelerates logons up to 60%.

Ivanti Cloud: Smart Advisor & Patch Intelligence Demo: Momentum Vlog

This is a quick take or section from an Ivanti Momentum customer webinar about Ivanti Cloud. This quick webinar video focuses on how Ivanti Cloud uses IT data to provide recommendations on what you can do next, save money, or implement in strategy. This video includes demos about how to use Ivanti Cloud Smart Advisors in cybersecurity scenarios, plus demonstrates Patch Intelligence to help IT security and operations be more closely aligned in their efforts.

Ivanti Cloud: Data Services Demo: Momentum Vlog

Quick take section from an Ivanti Momentum webinar about Ivanti Cloud. Provides information about the Data Services that is the engine for unifying data within Ivanti Cloud. Includes demos of how to set up Data Services, cloud agent, and connectors so organizations can get a clearer understanding of the IT data. Also includes demo for the Device View within Ivanti Cloud.