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Asset Management

The latest News and Information on Asset Management, Device Management and related technologies.

4 Top Patch Management Questions Answered

Our sales team receives handfuls of patching questions so often, we almost brought in the bots to answer. But because the questions below require more explanation, I grabbed a few minutes with Ivanti’s patch management resident expert, Chris Goettl, for answers to questions concerning patching in the cloud, standalone patching, validating patches, and patching remote endpoints.

The Most Important Android Enterprise Features for Supply Chain - Series 2

In my last post, Getting Started With Android Enterprise in Supply Chain – Series 1, we talked about a couple tools you need to understand before jumping into Android Enterprise. Now that we’ve got that sorted out, let’s talk about the features. Not all of the features, but the ones that are going to really matter in supply chain.

Ivanti is a Challenger in UEM Magic Quadrant

I am a challenger. It’s in my DNA somewhere I am sure. To find limits. Evaluate them. Develop an attack angle. Push beyond. Repeat. This is largely due to my hobby of cycling, which I had no idea would further develop my challenger habits when I took it up a handful of years ago. In cycling, it’s easy to find targets for goals. Sprint to the next intersection. Ride up a climb. Complete a 100-mile century. For me, it came in the form of a particular one-day cycling race covering 205 miles.

How Government Agencies Defend Against Increasing Cyberthreats

Whether military, a civilian agency, or even a public education institution, organizations across the public sector have witnessed a substantial increase in cyberattacks. There were a number of hits on education around this time last year, and then on health-related agencies as the COVID-19 pandemic struck. So, how do government agencies ensure their security posture is up to the task of defending against increasingly opportunistic forces of evil?

What Is IT Asset Management?

Even though ITAM has been around for a long time, there are still some very loose interpretations that claim to define IT asset management (ITAM). But, to be fair, the term asset management has different meanings depending upon the audience. When it comes to IT assets, we are specifically referring to those assets that enable the IT side of the business to run.

4 ways to save on IT costs in the asset life cycle [Part 4: Retirement and disposal]

Welcome back to the final part of our four-part blog series on saving on IT costs in the asset life cycle. In the last part, we talked about how to cut costs during maintenance and support. In this part, we’ll look at retirement and disposal, and ways to save during this phase. The retirement phase of the asset life-cycle can be tricky, because asset managers have to accurately judge the time frame for when a certain asset is ready for retirement.

4 ways to save on IT costs in the asset life cycle [Part 3: Maintenance and support]

We’re back with part three of our four-part series on cutting down IT costs during the asset life cycle. In the last blog, we discussed ways to save in the asset deployment stage. In this part, we’ll look at maintenance and support, and examine ways to save during this stage of the asset life cycle. When it comes to IT technicians, time is money. On any given day, an organization can have thousands of assets in play.

Marathon Oil Boosts Its ITSM and Asset Management Capabilities Significantly with Help from Ivanti and Partner NCSI

Since 1887, Marathon Oil Corporation has been a part of providing energy all over America. The company is a public petroleum and natural gas exploration and production enterprise headquartered in Houston, Texas. Pat Nichols, Senior IT Systems Analyst, has been along for the ride for more than 40 of Marathon Oil’s 133 years of operation. She has witnessed many of the ebbs and flows the company has gone through and led teams through them all.