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Asset Management

The latest News and Information on Asset Management, Device Management and related technologies.

6 Questions to Jumpstart Your IT Asset Management Strategy

IT asset management (ITAM) is a hot topic of 2020. Like almost everything else, managing lifecycle costs and minimizing risks has been a bit more complicated in recent months given the sudden shift to remote work and assets leaving the traditional workplace. It begs the question: are you maximizing the value from your current ITAM strategy? Let’s dive into this handy checklist of questions to help you answer the question above.

The Industry is Driving Toward a 14-Day SLA on Vulnerability Remediation. What's Holding You Back?

Threat actors can move pretty fast. There are untold numbers of adversaries operating in the shadows looking for the next vulnerability they can exploit. Sometimes they find a vulnerability that hasn’t been identified by white-hat researchers or the vendors—resulting in a zero-day exploit—but most often they watch for public disclosures and updates from vendors to identify changes that have occurred in code.

Threat Thursday: How Do You Prioritize Risk?

Do you focus on the right risks, in the right order? When I cross the street, I look both ways. I take a quick glance at my feet when I step off the curb to the road. Then, I begin an eight-second walk to the other side with one eye on the car rolling up to the stop sign. You probably do something similar. These simple tasks, executed in any other order, could spell disaster.

6 Things You Should Know About the Latest Identity Director Update

The world of IT has been experiencing some deep changes throughout the year, making productivity increase one of our customers’ main goal. Here at Ivanti, we like to keep our ear to the ground when it comes to delivering the right features for the desired business outcomes. And so, Identity Director 2020.3 comes with a set of features aimed at.

Considerations for Implementing Android Enterprise in Supply Chain - Series 3

In my last post, we talked about the Android Enterprise features that are going to be the most useful in supply chain. (If you missed it, you can see it here: The Most Important Android Enterprise Features for Supply Chain.) Those are aspects of Android Enterprise that are going to make your life easier. However, to get there, we have to go through a bit of a hard transition.

Just Released: 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for ITSM Tools Recognizes Ivanti a Leader

We’re in the early autumn season here in the northern hemisphere, with the weather getting cooler and the nights longer. That growing chill in the evenings encourages staying inside and reading by a fire for enjoyment and enlightenment.

Go HAM on Your ITAM Strategy by Avoiding These 6 Mistakes

Okay, now we have you thinking about ham and that delicious holiday meal on the horizon. While not quite as delicious, hardware asset management, or HAM, is something IT should have on its plate this season. “What would it cost to replace all the desktops and laptops in your organization?” A hypothetical question posed on a recent webcast by Jon Hauser, IT director at the University of Washington School of Social Work.

3 Critical Data Points to IT Asset Tracking

As companies grow and mature, it’s easy to feel trapped in an IT asset mud pit. IT pros faced with increasing numbers of users, more complex systems, and a variety of vendor products can lose track of IT assets, let maintenance slide, and run into compatibility issues. This is especially true in the current remote work and virtual school environments. In order to simplify IT asset tracking, it’s important to monitor three critical data points.

Ivanti Announces Strategic Acquisitions of MobileIron and Pulse Secure

In just 24 hours, tech bloggers and news sites everywhere have been sharing Ivanti's latest acquisition announcement. The news has been picked up by several publications including Redmond Magazine, MarketWatch, TechTarget, WSJ Pro Cybersecurity, and Channel Futures. And while we're delighted to be picked up by so many publications (seriously, we feel like the popular kid at school!), we're glad you've found yourself here on the Ivanti blog!