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Asset Management

The latest News and Information on Asset Management, Device Management and related technologies.

ITAM vs. ITSM - What's the Difference?

IT Asset Management (ITAM) and IT Service Management (ITSM) are critical for any organization that requires IT capabilities to support business objectives. Both technologies provide IT operational support to an organization; however, the purpose and objectives of these technologies are quite different. Let’s explore the differences and similarities between ITAM and ITSM.

Extending Microsoft Endpoint Manager with Third Party Updates for Config Manager and Intune

Unpatched security vulnerabilities are utilized in the majority of data breaches and ransomware attacks. In fact, research shows that many CVEs go unfixed for long periods to time leaving companies open to unnecessary exposure. 60% of breaches involved vulnerabilities of which a patch was available but not yet applied. This is why vulnerability management is so important and not only having a plan but selecting the right tools to support your plan.

Getting to know IT asset management

It’s funny how once you are officially in a department such as IT, everyone assumes you have deep knowledge about everything from resetting a printer to spooling up a complex cloud dev instance. And as time goes by, it gets harder and harder to admit unfamiliarity about certain areas of techdom. Take IT asset management (ITAM), for example. Yes, we all know what software is. We know what a laptop or desktop computer is.

A New Year and a New Ivanti

2020. A year that will never be forgotten and one that has had everlasting impacts on business operations, how we work, and our daily lives. As I reflect on this past year, I realize that 2020 has been the longest test for us all. 365 days long. It’s been the year of rapid change, one where adopting innovative adaptability is critical. I have been thinking about my New Year’s resolution and discovered that 2021 is the year when we make a collective resolution.

COVID-19's lasting effect on cybersecurity and what to expect in the new year

As 2020 comes to an end, it’s normal to reflect upon the year’s challenges, innovations, and achievements. When we look back on 2020, the hardships we all endured collectively across the globe seem to stack higher than other recent years. A pandemic swept across the world, rapidly shifting the ways we communicate, work, and connect with others. And hacks, scams, and ransomware attacks were at an all-time high.

The Wait is Over: Ivanti Desktop and Server Management (DSM) 2020.2 is here

Ivanti’s extended products group is pleased to bring you the latest release – Desktop and Server Management 2020.2. This update includes improved password encryption, tighter Ivanti Xtraction integration, a new remote control feature (BETA), and a new MSIX Packaging Wizard.

If the best of the best can be bested, what chance do the rest of us have?

This is a very relevant question as news of the FireEye and SolarWinds breaches aired. FireEye is a major player in the cybersecurity world. They are one of the top choices to be brought in to respond to a data breach. If they can be hit how can the average company hope to stay safe? The reality is, none of us are safe. No amount of technology, personnel or caliber of skills in the world can guarantee you will never have a data breach or be the victim of ransomware.

Save $1M with Software Asset Management

In this new series of Now on Now stories, we share how we use ServiceNow products internally to transform our operations and create great experiences. We hope our stories will inspire our customers and partners to harvest even more business value and resiliency from the Now Platform®. For more information, visit the Now on Now Workflows Book of Knowledge.

Top 3 New Highlights of Ivanti Endpoint Security

With cybercriminal attacks becoming smarter and more difficult to prevent, traditional authentication methods using username and password have become less secure. This is mainly due to techniques such as account takeovers and brute force attacks. Multi-factor authentication is now considered to be one of the most effective ways to provide authentication security. Ivanti Endpoint Security 8.6 introduces multi-factor authentication for accessing the Console.

Closing the digital divide in our own backyard

Students throughout the U.S. faced massive technology and connectivity gaps before the pandemic. Now, with COVID-induced remote learning, the situation is more urgent than ever. Many students cannot afford internet connectivity. Many don’t have personal laptops or tablets. And school districts are struggling to obtain the resources needed to support students who are now dependent on distance learning.