The latest News and Information on Continuous Integration and Development, and related technologies.
Development teams provisioning software services face a constant trade-off between speed and accuracy. New features should be made available in the least possible time with a high amount of accuracy, meaning no downtime. Unforeseen downtime due to human error is common for any manual integration processes your team uses to manage codebases. This kind of unexpected interruption can be one of the key drivers for a team to take on the challenge of automating their integration process.
We are announcing the deprecation of Dispatch, our DKP 1.x CI/CD tool, based on Tekton and ArgoCD. As another step in the continuous improvement of the DKP platform, in DKP 2.0 we have made the move to FluxCD, a CNCF incubator project. Why did we make this decision? Our customers have significant investments in their build pipelines using battle tested technologies such as Jenkins, TeamCity, and CircleCI. It would be a significant change in their workflows to introduce a new CI tool like Tekton.
This blog can provide you with useful information on how to set up a Kubernetes CI/CD workflow using state-of-the-art of open source DevOps tools, whether you are.