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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Streamlined Kubernetes Cluster Agent

Sematext provides a single pane of glass and machine learning powered alerts for logs, metrics, traces and digital user experience data. The new Sematext agent is fully Docker Engine and Kubernetes-aware. (Re)written in Go, it has a minimal memory and CPU footprint. It also collects Kubernetes metrics in the most optimal fashion possible.

Kubernetes in Production: Services

We migrated all of our services to Kubernetes about six months ago. At first glance, the task seemed quite simple: deploy a cluster, write application specifications, and that’s it. But, since we’re obsessed with stability, we nevertheless had to learn how k8s works under pressure, so we tested multiple failure scenarios. Most of the questions that arose were network related. One particular point of concern was how Kubernetes Services function.

Hands Off My Docker Containers: Dynamic Java Instrumentation in Three Easy Steps

Instrumenting your application with an APM tool is not always easy. Configuration is often complicated, and managing agent files can be daunting. AppDynamics has developed a three-step solution for automating Java agent deployment and infrastructure monitoring in a Docker environment.

How to identify malicious IP activity using Falco

One of the most common security use cases, is the ability to identify connections generated by malicious actors, or internal components connecting to suspicious servers (e.g malware C&Cs). In this post, we will show how to leverage the Falco engine, to identify connections made to IPs that were flagged by multiple security sensors, and are streamed as a feed to the Falco engine.

Using Terraform for container security as code with Sysdig Secure

In the following tutorial you can learn how to implement container security as code. You probably have a CI/CD pipeline to automatically rebuild your container images. What if you could define your container security as code, push it into a Git repository to version control changes and then enforce your policy in your container orchestration tool like Docker or Kubernetes using Sysdig Secure?