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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Why I love containerd...and Docker!

I talk a lot about containerd. I write blog posts about it, speak at conferences about it, give introductory presentations internally at IBM about it and tweet (maybe too much) about it. Due to my role at IBM, I’ve helped IBM’s public cloud Kubernetes service, IKS, start a migration to use containerd as the CRI runtime in recent releases and similarly helped IBM Cloud Private (our on-premises cloud offering) offer containerd as a tech preview in the past two releases.

Building confidence via automated container security scanning - Xavier Vello - DockerCon EU 2018

Container image security scanners are one of several tools we use in our development process to ensure the software that we ship to our customers is reliable and safe. In this talk, we’ll discuss our approach to continuous vulnerability monitoring (spoiler: it’s all automated), and how it increases our responsiveness while decreasing our operational cost.