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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

Kubernetes vs Docker Swarm: Comparison of Two Container Orchestration Tools

With the rise of the containerization technology and increased attention from enterprises and technologists in general, more and more containerized applications have been deployed to the cloud. Moreover, research conducted by 451 Research predicts that the application container market will grow dramatically through 2020, which will continue to expand the number of containerized applications being deployed to the cloud.

Runc CVE-2019-5736

Today CVE-2019-5736 was announced which impacts all known versions of runc. Runc is the underlying component that creates containers in Docker, Kubernetes, and many other container systems. The full details of this vulnerability are available in the Openwall oss-security mailing. Due to the severity of this issue, exploits will not be published for another week, giving people time to patch.

Achieving Full Stack Automation Through Kubernetes

The open source revolution is back in full swing with the rise of Kubernetes. Flexibility and agility are the key factors to making the most of the cloud, multicloud, or hybrid cloud era. Kubernetes makes that easier by granting DevOps teams greater control across their infrastructure. But easier does not necessarily mean easy — there are still hurdles to overcome.

A Beginner's Guide to Getting Started with Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

There’s no shortage of providers willing to host your containers. Many of the world’s biggest cloud platforms offer Kubernetes as a service, including features such as automatic scalability and high availability. However, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) stands out as perhaps the best tool for building and hosting a Kubernetes cluster for a number of reasons. In this article, we’ll present these reasons and why GCP offers a better Kubernetes experience than other providers.

Enable Kubernetes Pod Security Policy with kube-psp-advisor

Kubernetes Pod Security Policy is a mechanism to enforce best security practices in Kubernetes. In this tutorial, we will explain how to enable Kubernetes Pod Security Policy across your cluster using kube-psp-advisor to address the practical challenges of building an adaptive and fine-grained security policy on Kubernetes in production.

Kubernetes Master Class: Building an Enterprise Kubernetes Strategy

Kubernetes sits at the intersection of DevOps and ITOps and many organizations are trying to figure out key questions, like who should own kubernetes, how many clusters to deploy, how to deliver it as a service, how to build a security policy, and how much standardization is critical for adoption. In this session Rancher founder Shannon Williams will share best practices pulled from working with hundreds of teams to implement a Kubernetes strategy.

Introducing Multi-Cluster Applications in Rancher 2.2 Preview 2

I’m excited to announce the release of Rancher 2.2 Preview 2, which contains a number of powerful features for day two operations on Kubernetes clusters. Please visit our release page or the release notes to learn more about all of the features we shipped today. In this article I introduce one of the features: multi-cluster applications. Read on to learn how this will dramatically reduce your workload and increase the reliability of multi-cluster operations.

Using Chef, Puppet, and Ansible to Manage Kubernetes

In a previous post, we explained the concept of configuration management and presented three of the most popular tools: Chef, Puppet, and Ansible. We also briefly explored the impact that containerization is having on configuration management, and how the two can be used in combination. This article takes a more in-depth look at this relationship by presenting different techniques for using Chef, Puppet, and Ansible to deploy and manage a Kubernetes cluster.