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The latest News and Information on Containers, Kubernetes, Docker and related technologies.

How to Monitor Kubernetes with Confidence

While Kubernetes is now the de facto standard for running containerized applications, 46% of enterprises say monitoring remains one of their biggest adoption challenges. In this eBook, you'll gain insights into why current monitoring approaches fall short-and how you can gain end-to-end visibility into your entire Kubernetes stack to deliver flawless application performance.

How Enterprise Kubernetes Benefits from Multi-Cluster Apps

There is a lot to love about Kubernetes. It offers one of the best ways to deploy and run applications on a large pool of resources. With its easy-to-use UI and out-of-the-box capabilities like RBAC, monitoring, auditing, logging, and more, Rancher makes it easy to stand up and manage enterprise grade Kubernetes. Using Rancher, IT Operators can point to their cloud provider (AWS, GCP, Azure, etc.) or datacenter and create a cluster with just a few clicks.

February 2019 Online Meetup: Multi Cluster Applications, Global DNS, and Multi Tenant Catalogs

Rancher 2.2 focuses on day two operations for Kubernetes, the ongoing management tasks that secure clusters, reduce downtime, and keep applications secure. For edge deployments and businesses that run multi-tenant clusters or multiple installations of the same application, Rancher 2.2 Preview 2 introduces features that lighten the workload of operations team, helping to eliminate redundant work and human error. It includes tools for increasing the availability of multi-cluster applications and new options for configuring application catalogs at the cluster and project levels.

New Tigera Secure Enterprise 2.3 Anomaly Detection Deepens Visibility into Suspicious Kubernetes Activities

Tigera is excited to announce several new capabilities with Tigera Secure Enterprise Edition 2.3, extending the ability to uncover sophisticated Kubernetes attacks. Tigera Anomaly Detection capabilities provide insight into unusual behaviors that compromise the security and performance of Kubernetes environments.

Kubernetes Master Class: Getting Your Hands 'Dirty' in Container Sandbox

This session of the Kubernetes Master Class Series addresses the proliferation of "sandboxing" techniques to isolate containers and improve their security posture. We'll provide a short background on the rise of "sandboxing" technology in the global security space and will drill down into different container "sandboxing" technologies and projects.

Kubernetes in the Region: Observations and an Offer

Since joining Rancher Labs to head up the Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore region, my day revolves around discussing containers/Kubernetes use cases and adoption with many of the top enterprises, DevOps groups, and executives in the area. Not only is this a great learning experience and a fantastic way to meet people, it is also a huge eye opener into the many reasons why Kubernetes adoption is growing so rapidly and what the current challenges are.

Single Sign-On for Kubernetes: An Introduction

One of the great things about Kubernetes is that it completely separates authentication and authorization. Authentication (Authn) meaning the act of identifying who the user is and authorization (Authz) meaning the act of working out if they’re allowed to perform some action. This can be thought of in terms of a Passport and a Visa.

Sysdig and IBM to collaborate on IBM Cloud Private & IBM Multicloud Manager container monitoring and security

Today at Think 2019 we’re announcing our intent to work with IBM to support the Sysdig Cloud-Native Intelligence Platform on IBM Cloud Private and IBM Multicloud Manager. By supporting IBM Multicloud Manager and IBM Cloud Private, Sysdig will help IBM customers accelerate the transition to cloud architectures.