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Container Security Best Practices

Containers are no longer the next big thing in the industry. They are mainstream now. This means they should be treated seriously and not like a novelty. What are the main areas of concern when you want to add a new tool to your stack? For most of us stability, security, and observability are the things that matter the most. This article will focus on security.

k3s -- The Lightweight Kubernetes Distribution Built for the Edge

Kubernetes is pushing out of the data center into stores, networks and factories. DevOps teams are excited about Kubernetes because it provides predictable operations and a cloud-like provisioning experience on just about any infrastructure. For the last year Rancher Labs has been working with organizations to create a lightweight implementation of Kubernetes that is easy to operate and can run on x86 and ARM infrastructure without using more than 512 MB of memory.

Announcing Submariner, Multi-Cluster Network Connectivity for Kubernetes

Today we are proud to announce Submariner, a new open-source project enabling network connectivity between Kubernetes clusters. We launched the project to provide network connectivity for microservices deployed in multiple Kubernetes clusters that need to communicate with each other.

How to Build Cloud Native CI/CD Pipelines on Kubernetes and Release Software Faster

Kubernetes is a powerful, open source, container orchestration/cluster management tool that helps you manage and deploy your containerized application and services on a cluster of machines. Operationalizing Kubernetes involves many different pieces, but a very important aspect is management of the containers and using Helm to build charts for your Kubernetes deployments.

Kubernetes Master Class: Migrating Existing Applications to Kubernetes

Containers help teams develop, package, and deploy software in environments ranging from personal laptops to data centers. They can help improve release velocity, reduce resource consumption, and encourage modular, flexible application design. However, migrating existing applications to containers is not without logistical challenges.

Web Frameworks Implication for Serverless Cold Starts

In the world of web applications, Web Frameworks (WF) existed for a very long time. Traditional WF existed in a world without the notion of microservices, let alone the notion of serverless. Many first-time serverless users use WF to ease the transition into the ecosystem, sometimes unaware of its effect on the performance. The following post focuses on potential cold start issues when using WF in the NodeJS ecosystem.

K8S is the Kernel

One of my former teammates approached me the other day (and by other day i mean like 3 months ago) and asked ‘Am I thinking about this right? Kubernetes is actually akin to the Linux Kernel. So Rancher and OpenShift are distributions of Kubernetes. And for a supported enterprise application I’m more likely to use a more enterprise focused distribution than a DIY distribution, yeah?’ To which I responded ‘Yep, you hit the nail on the head’.

Considerations When Designing Distributed Systems

Today’s applications are marvels of distributed systems development. Each function or service that makes up an application may be executing on a different system, based upon a different system architecture, that is housed in a different geographical location, and written in a different computer language.