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The latest News and Information on IT Service Management, Service Desk and related technologies.

Cost Challenges That Keep Execs and Admins Awake at Night

Reining in costs and ensuring your IT organization maximizes its technical ROI is a delicate balancing act of office politics and well-rooted processes. IT cost challenges tend to vary from business to business, but they have one thing in common: they’re all manageable. Taking the time to study the most common IT revenue black holes starts with developing an in-depth understanding of how each one can affect IT productivity and the business’s bottom line.

Improve Your Customer Operations To Increase Your NPS

If you want to improve your customer operations, your attention must turn to your NPS score. The Net Promoter Score for your organization should never be overlooked. This can provide you with vital insights into how your services are perceived by customers. Those actively attempting to improve their NPS scores should focus on improving customer operations. Those running customer-centric businesses recognize the undeniable importance of operating around their needs.

Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence: SaaS Management

You’re probably familiar with the many benefits of licensing software using a SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) model. The most frequently touted benefit is that you pay only for what you use when you use it. Additionally, you don’t have to worry about upgrading, or server maintenance, or security. That’s all taken care of. However, even using a SaaS model, you still need to monitor and manage costs, which can be a challenge if you are working with several suppliers.

SLA Compliance: The Service Desk & ITSM Metric Explained

IT solutions are either utilized as a service or procured from third-party vendors by organizations of all types and sizes. This enables organizations to gain access to reliable IT technologies without having to internally build, operate, or manage the underlying systems. As a result of this, both the organization and the solutions provider sign a service-level agreement (SLA), which commits the vendor to deliver services that meet the established performance requirements.

Cybersecurity is Fundamental for Modernizing Government

Digital transformation is a strategic initiative of the federal government and has been for years, but adequate funding has never been appropriated. Digital transformation is essential within all areas of government, to deliver services faster, more reliably, and securely. In order to keep up with the global expansion of digitalization, government agencies must modernize their IT and security infrastructure.

Ivanti Gives Voice to IT Incident Management Software

A protracted, exasperating customer service experience popped into my mind while reading this sentence in the Ivanti Voice data sheet: “One of the most frequent customer complaints about call centers is having to repeat information.” Ain’t that the truth. Here’s a brief personal experience.

Clearing IT bottlenecks with citizen developers

“I can clear your IT bottlenecks” is all it took. When my colleague approached me and asked if my organization would be interested in participating in the citizen developer pilot project, I signed on right away. After all, who wouldn’t want to clear their backlog? [Learn more about ServiceNow citizen developers at Knowledge 2021.] As the director of IT customer success, I lead teams that help deliver transformation initiatives at scale. Fulfilling business needs is also my priority.

Knowledge 2021: Industry spotlight

Every executive follows trends in their industry to keep tabs on competitors. There’s often equal value in applying insights from innovators in other sectors. Knowledge 2021 attendees can do both. Presentations from companies in five major industries—manufacturing, financial services, healthcare, telecom, and government—will show digital transformation trends in each sector.

3 Key Features Every Service Desk Needs

Modern enterprises must work to ensure their organization is focused on making employees feel heard and valued, and a key way to do this is through strong IT service management. We’ve said it before, but it bears repeating—today’s employees expect a similar service experience in the workplace that they encounter in their daily lives.