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Crossed 15K+ GitHub Stars, Simplified Logs Parsing with Pipelines & Trending on Hacker News - SigNal 30

Welcome to the 30th edition of our monthly product newsletter - SigNal 30! Last month, our Github repo crossed 15k+ Github stars, which is a great milestone for our open-source project and for our team. We also shipped the much-awaited logs pipeline that will make logs parsing a much better experience for our users. We also shipped other improvements to the product, hosted OpenTelemetry meetups and webinars, and much more.

Datadog Pricing - Beware These Surprises in 2023

Datadog has a huge product footprint with a sophisticated user experience, but any discussion of its usefulness must include a consideration of its significant costs. Datadog pricing is complex and has a lot of SKUs that a customer needs to understand. If you're not careful, you might end up blowing your Datadog bill. It’s likely that your business isn’t at the scale that it will generate a $65 million bill, but it is possible to generate bills that rival your operations bills.

SigNoz + Tracetest: OpenTelemetry-Native Observability Meets Testing

What is the hidden potential of OpenTelemetry? It goes a lot further than the (awesome) application of tracing and monitoring your software. The OpenTelemetry project is an attempt to standardize how performance is reported and how trace data is passed around your microservice architecture. This context propagation is a superpower for those who adopt OpenTelemetry tracing.

OpenTelemetry Logs - A Complete Introduction & Implementation

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) incubating project aimed at standardizing the way we instrument applications for generating telemetry data(logs, metrics, and traces). OpenTelemetry aims to provide a vendor-agnostic observability framework that provides a set of tools, APIs, and SDKs to instrument applications.

OpenTelemetry MongoDB | Monitor and visualize your MongoDB database calls

OpenTelemetry libraries can be used to monitor MongoDB interactions. In this tutorial, we will learn how we can monitor MongoDB with OpenTelemetry libraries to analyze query execution and identify performance bottlenecks. Most modern applications have distributed architecture thanks to cloud and containerization. In cloud-native applications, it is necessary to track user requests across services and components like databases.

OpenTelemetry UI - See What's Possible With OpenTelemetry data

OpenTelemetry is a Cloud Native Computing Foundation(CNCF) project aimed at standardizing the way we instrument applications for generating telemetry data(logs, metrics, and traces). However, OpenTelemetry does not provide storage and visualization for the collected telemetry data. For visualizing OpenTelemetry data, you need an OpenTelemetry UI. The data collected by OpenTelemetry can be sent to a backend of your choice, which can then be visualized.

8 Steps to Create a Successful Cloud Strategy

In today’s digital world, performance and agility are essential for running a successful business, and in the technology arena, there is no exception. Over the past few years, there has been a significant rise in the use of cloud computing technology as more companies prefer scalability of resources, flexibility in experimenting with new technologies, reducing cost by eliminating the need to invest in on-premises hardware, etc.

Jaeger vs Prometheus - Side by Side Comparison [Updated for 2023]

Both Jaeger and Prometheus are popular open-source application performance monitoring tools. While Jaeger is an end-to-end distributed tracing tool, Prometheus is used as a time-series database for monitoring metrics. Let's dive in to explore their key features and differences. Application performance monitoring is the key to keep your system's health in check. In today's digital economy, no business can afford to have failed or delayed completion of user requests.

OpenTelemetry vs. OpenTracing - Decoding the Future of Telemetry Data

OpenTelemetry and OpenTracing are open-source projects used to instrument application code for generating telemetry data. While OpenTelemetry can help you generate logs, metrics, and traces, OpenTracing focuses on generating traces for distributed applications. If you’re thinking of choosing between OpenTelemetry and OpenTracing, go for OpenTelemetry. OpenTracing is now deprecated, and users of OpenTracing are advised to migrate to OpenTelemetry.

Unlocking Observability - Dive into OpenTelemetry's Top Use Cases

OpenTelemetry can be used for generating and collecting telemetry signals like logs, metrics, and traces. The advantage of using OpenTelemetry for observability is that it is open-source and frees you from vendor lock-in. You can use OpenTelemetry for multiple use cases OpenTelemetry is an open-source project which has emerged as the standard for achieving comprehensive observability in modern applications.