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Manual Monitors: Everything you need to know

In this post, I will explain what are manual monitors? Manual monitors are monitors that do not actively monitor any resources. You can use them if you are using an external monitoring tool and can ping Fyipe API to create incidents. They can also be helpful to create manual incidents for your customers and show them on status page. Manual monitors can be created in just 2 simple steps.

The Top 5 Benefits of Temperature Server Monitoring Solutions

Your servers generate heat—this is a fact common with any type of electronic device. The amount of heat they generate will vary, depending on where they are located and the number of servers in use. For example, a small business may have only one or two servers that are stored in a small server room. On the other hand, a large corporation could have hundreds of servers in a massive data center.

Troubleshoot problems using GitLab activity data with the new plugin for Grafana

GitLab is one of the most popular web-based DevOps life-cycle tools in the world, used by millions as a Git-repository manager and for issue tracking, continuous integration, and deployment purposes. Today, we’re pleased to announce the first beta release of the GitLab data source plugin, which is intended to help users find interesting insights from their GitLab activity data.

Guest Blog: Airbrake & LogicMonitor = Awesome News

“On Tuesday, we announced some big news: LogicMonitor has acquired Airbrake — a developer-centric application error and performance monitoring platform. This acquisition represents the latest step in our company’s journey towards becoming an end-to-end infrastructure monitoring and observability platform. As part of the acquisition, I am thrilled to welcome the Airbrake team into the fold!

Frequently Asked Questions | Vol 2

In an industry where technological evolution is commonplace, it’s easy to get lost in a sea of terminology and acronyms. It’s important to establish a solid foundation of understanding. In the second installment of our ‘Frequently Asked Questions’ series, we tackle issues related to effective monitoring, speed, and performance related to Microsoft 365 services.

How to embed Grafana visualization in SquaredUp

In our previous post on Grafana and SquaredUp, we compared the two tools across various benchmarks like ease of deployment, time to value, dashboard creation, dashboard sharing, and more. Both tools have their specific advantages over the other, but since the ultimate goal is to give you a single place to look – why not leverage Grafana for the visualizations and data sources it offers, but give them meaning by embedding them in SquaredUp?

The Complete Guide to Java String Replace

One of the most commonly used functionalities for String objects in Java is String replace. With replace(), you can replace an occurrence of a Character or String literal with another Character or String literal. You might use the String.replace() method in situations like: In Java, keep in mind that String objects are immutable, which means the object cannot be changed once it’s created.