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11 Network Traffic Terms to Know

Every industry loves its terms and jargon. Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: “I’ve always said that one of my core competencies is getting the most bang for my buck out of the sweat equity I put in during my 9-to-5.” Sure, the sentence doesn’t really make any sense, but it sounds good enough when you say it. And that’s just the point jargon tends to make. The IT industry is no different.

InfluxDB C Client Library for Capturing Statistics

Currently, there is no official InfluxDB C language client library. Fortunately, I wanted to do exactly that for capturing Operating System performance statistics for AIX and Linux. This data capturing tool is called “njmon” and is open source on Sourceforge. So having worked out how and developing a small library of 12 functions for my use to make saving data simple, I thought I would share it. I hope it will prove useful for others.

VMware Spring Cloud Gateway for Kubernetes, the Distributed API Gateway Developers Love, Is Now GA

For all the talk of digital transformation, there’s one workflow that tends to hinder release velocity: changes to API routing rules. But while—much to the consternation of enterprise developers everywhere—this process has historically remained stubbornly ticket-based, Spring Cloud Gateway removes this bottleneck. The open source project provides a developer-friendly way to route, secure, and monitor API requests.

Windows network monitoring made easy with OpManager

Network administrators are responsible for the day-to-day operation of computer networks at organizations of any size and scale. Their primary duty is to manage, monitor, and keep a close watch on the network infrastructure to prevent and minimize downtime. Managing a network includes monitoring all the network components, including Windows devices. In any Windows network, the desktops, servers, virtual servers, and virtual machines (VMs), like Hyper-V, run on the Windows operating system.

All You Need To Know About Cloud Interconnection

Many enterprises today have a range of assets residing in a mixture of both public and private clouds. As a result, there is a need to connect not just site-to-cloud but also cloud-to-cloud - use cases we would term Data Centre Interconnection (DCI) and Cloud Interconnection.

A Quick Guide to Log Shipping To Logz.io: Collectors, Code, and Clouds

One of the great things about Logz.io Log Management is that it’s based on the most popular open source logging technology out there: the ELK Stack (click here to view our thoughts and plans on the recent Elastic license). This means Logz.io users get to leverage log shipping and collector options within the rich ELK ecosystem. So how do you know which log shipping technology to use?

QA Engineers, This is How SRE will Transform your Role

When implementing SRE, almost every role within your IT organization will change. One of the biggest transformations will be in your Quality Assurance teams. A common misconception is that SRE “replaces” QA. People believe SLOs and other SRE best practices render the traditional role of QA engineering obsolete, as testing and quality shift left in the SDLC. This leads to QA teams resisting SRE adoption.