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Coralogix is recognized by Gartner as a Cool Vendor in Performance Analysis

As the leading log management and analytics platform, we’re proud to announce that we’ve been recognized in the Gartner “2020 Cool Vendors in Performance Analysis” report by Padraig Byrne. Gartner, Inc. is the world’s leading information technology research and advisory company. They offer world-class, objective insights on a wide variety of IT solutions.

Sentry for Spring Boot & Logback

While Spring Boot provides everything developers need build applications, it leaves operational aspects of debugging issues to the developers and third-party services. If up until now all you had was log aggregation, where you can browse and filter through a web UI, prepare to have your mind blown with Sentry’s automatic error grouping, alerting, breadcrumbs, and much more. Sentry has recently launched a major update to the Java SDK. In the post, we’ll focus on Spring Boot and Logback.

Looking back on Chaos Conf 2020

It’s already been a week since we closed our third annual Chaos Conf! While we were forced to take the conference online, this meant that more of you could join us. Over 3,500 people signed up to help make this the world’s largest Chaos Engineering conference. That’s 5x more than 2019, and nearly 10x more than 2018! This is a testament to the growth of Chaos Engineering as a practice across many different industries and around the world.

Applying GitOps And Continuous Delivery (CD) On Infrastructure Using Terraform, Codefresh, And Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

There are many articles and videos about practicing Continuous Delivery (CD) with applications, but not nearly as many for infrastructure. The same can be said for GitOps applied to infrastructure. That is a bit strange given that applications and infrastructure are almost the same today. Both are defined as code, and everyone stores code in Git repositories. Hence, GitOps is just as good of a fit for infrastructure as for anything else.

Everything You Need to Know About DNS Monitoring

In order to communicate, web pages, devices and applications need a common naming system which allows them to identify each other and send information. This is particularly important when the communication takes place over the Internet because of the large number of services and websites that need to be identified. This is why the Domain Name System (DNS) is so important for businesses. It matches website pages and devices to an IP address that can be traced by other devices.

Scaling CD Platforms in the Enterprise Through Self-Service

The concept of Continuous Delivery (CD) has been around for over a decade. Early adopters of CD have reaped the benefits of reduced cycle times coupled with greater stability and reliability. Yet CD is far from a “solved problem” with many organizations struggling to implement CD at scale (or at all!) due to organizational, process and technology challenges.

Tips and tricks to increase productivity in Mattermost

Our customers are always looking for ways to work faster and more effectively inside Mattermost. As a remote-first company, we spend most of our time collaborating inside Mattermost, and we’d like to think we’ve learned a thing or two about how to use Mattermost productively over the years. Here are some of our favorite tips and tricks for getting things done on Mattermost. We hope these examples help your team achieve similar productivity gains.

Lift the Haze of the Cloud With These 6 Considerations

Gartner says when COVID-19 hit the United States in March, 88% of businesses mandated or strongly encouraged employees to work from home. Sales, marketing, human resources, and most other business operations were all conducted from somewhere outside of the office. This drastic move required IT to accommodate employees in an entirely new way than what they had become accustomed to.

Using rKubeLog Collector for Aggregated Log Centralization

Debugging and resolving incidents in nodeless environments can be difficult, time-consuming, and most of all, frustrating. Exporting your logs from these ephemeral and disparate services to a centrally aggregated log is a great way to correlate information, quickly resolve incidents, and make your life a little easier.

A Few Minutes More: Add Xray DevSecOps to Artifactory Enterprise on Azure

In a prior blog post, we explained how to install or update Artifactory through the Azure Marketplace in the amount of time it takes for your coffee order to arrive on the counter. Now you can add to your self-managed (BYOL) Artifactory deployment Xray, the cream of software component analysis (SCA) tools, through the Azure Marketplace as well.