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Capabilities of Elixir's Logger

Logs are an important part of your application and logging shouldn’t be one of the last things you think of. You should configure your log system, formatter, and style as soon as you start the development of your app. Also, do your best to document the process and share how it works with the rest of your team. In this article, we’re going to demonstrate how logs work in Elixir. We’ll jump into Elixir’s Logger module, which brings a lot of power to logging features.

Can Security Teams Benefit from SRE? You bet!

When we talk about the reliability of services, SRE encourages us to take a holistic view. Unreliability in service delivery can be due to anything, from hardware malfunctions to errors in code. One source of unreliability that is often overlooked is security. A security breach can damage customer trust far beyond the impact of the breach itself. Even smaller infractions, like failing a service audit, can make users wary.

CI/CD Tutorial: How to deploy an AWS Jenkins Pipeline

In the previous article, we have created the Continuous Integration (CI) pipeline for a simple Java application. It is now time to start working on the Continuous Deployment (CD) pipeline that will take the Java application and deploy it to AWS. To build the CD pipeline, we will extend the existing AWS Jenkins pipeline. If you have missed the previous article on building a CI pipeline for a Java application using Jenkins, make sure you read that first before continuing.

How to sync users from a second domain using AD Connect

Do you need to integrate a new company in with your existing employer and therefore in to your already provisioned Azure AD tenant. Or perhaps just need to share your tenancy and office 365 services with more than one company, then you could find yourself in a position where you need to sync users from another domain and have already configured AD Connect, well there is a way to add the second domain to your current Azure tenancy, so you can sync those users from the second domain.

The Benefit of DevOps on the Customer Experience

If there’s no customer, there’s no job. In a competitive marketplace, every site element matters from the functionality of your service to your UI; your documentation to your marketing. Your SLA should mirror that structure. Building a strong customer experience is about consistency on every level. The key is visibility, offering all the verification your customers need with an intuitive click of the mouse.

Applying GitOps And Continuous Delivery (CD) On Infrastructure Using Terraform, Codefresh, And AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)

There are many articles and videos about practicing Continuous Delivery (CD) with applications, but not nearly as many for infrastructure. The same can be said for GitOps applied to infrastructure. That is a bit strange given that applications and infrastructure are almost the same today. Both are defined as code, and everyone stores code in Git repositories. Hence, GitOps is just as good of a fit for infrastructure as for anything else.

Understanding the Layers of Log Infrastructure

If you’re reading this article, you’re most likely looking for a simple one-stop-shop way to understand logs. I’m sorry to be the one to tell you this, but logs are not simple enough to deal with easily. In fact, as you start approaching this topic on a practical level you’ll quickly realize how complex and annoying it truly is.

Prometheus vs. ELK

In today’s world, with many microservices fuelling hundreds of components, the failure of just one piece can cause a crash for the whole system. For example, a lack of memory in one component can cause a database failure. This database failure could be the reason for authentication problems for particular users, causing those users to not be able to login. And of course, finding the core problem manually can be complex and time-consuming.

K3s + Sysdig: Deploying and securing your cluster... in less than 8 minutes!

As Kubernetes is eating the world, discover an alternative certified Kubernetes offering called K3s, made by the wizards at Rancher. K3s is gaining a lot of interest in the community for its easy deployment, low footprint binary, and its ability to be used for specific use cases that the full Kubernetes may be too advanced for. K3s is a fully CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation) certified Kubernetes offering.

Application Performance Monitoring (APM) for HTTP URLs

Since its beginning, Obkio's solution focused on Network Monitoring with the Network Performance Monitoring and Network Device Monitoring feature sets. With these features, IT teams can monitor and troubleshoot intermittent network issues with precise network metrics including some Quality of Experience (QoE) metrics based VoIP Quality and MOS Score.