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Three Most Common Printer-Management Problems Limiting Your Warehouse Productivity

Recently, I’ve had many discussions with supply chain operations managers about the status of their barcode printers. I observed that there is a big gap between how most people want their printer management to be and how it actually is—it all comes down to perception vs. reality. I heard about challenges such as entire printer systems breaking down during peak times, operations workforces ordering duplicate or unnecessary supplies, and admins not knowing what’s in their inventory.

Ivanti Neurons: Go Way Beyond Workflow With Hyper-Automation

It’s no secret that IT organizations are facing increasingly complex challenges. Device proliferation, demands to access data from anywhere, ensuring security both on and off campus—and this year, a major shift to remote work—have IT departments struggling to stay above water.

Ivanti Neurons for Patch Intelligence: Research, Prioritize, and Receive Improved Risk-Based Insights

Vulnerability remediation is still an ongoing struggle for organizations. A simple mistake could cause no issues, or it could set off a wide-scale, devastating, corporate breach. Why is this? There are many reasons. Security and Ops talk past one another. No one wants to be the one that broke something. Speed is hindered by ineffective testing.

How to Become a Successful Software Asset Manager

As part of a challenge, I read Ulysses by James Joyce. 😬 Never again. At almost 1,000 pages (although about 250 of those pages were just explanatory notes), it was tough going. Especially when some bits of it were written in Latin, Irish, and Hungarian. I may have skimmed parts. At 42 pages, the Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Licensing Guide is no Ulysses, and it does have the benefit of being written in a single language. But it’s still not an easy read for us mere mortals.

8 Leaps To Leader in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for ITSM Tools Report

This year Ivanti was placed in the Leader quadrant in the 2020 Gartner Magic Quadrant for ITSM Tools report. After a long and tough journey moving from Niche, to Innovator, to Challenger, we made it to the quadrant that is magic: the Leader quadrant. Obviously we’re thrilled. Having reached this point, I thought I would spend time here explaining what the MQ really means and why Ivanti’s move to Leader is so significant. (Disclaimer: this is not a Gartner authored article.

Ivanti Adds New Ivanti Neurons Innovations: Ivanti Neurons for Patch Intelligence and Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence

It's been an exciting week at Ivanti! On Wednesday, we announced enhancements to the Ivanti Neurons platform. We added new Ivanti Neurons innovations (powered by machine learning) to improve security posture and optimize asset spend. Ivanti Neurons for Patch Intelligence helps enable organizations to achieve faster SLAs for their vulnerability remediation efforts via supervised and unsupervised machine learning algorithms.

Ivanti Neurons for Spend Intelligence

During my time at Ivanti, I have been close to numerous customers while helping them on their journey to achieving high levels of maturity in Software Asset Management. Over this period several glaring facts became apparent to me: I honestly felt that there must be something we can do to reduce the time to achieve this first—and seemingly straightforward—milestone of understanding the estate and answering the age-old questions of.

The Industry is Driving Toward a 14-Day SLA on Vulnerability Remediation. What's Holding You Back?

Threat actors can move pretty fast. There are untold numbers of adversaries operating in the shadows looking for the next vulnerability they can exploit. Sometimes they find a vulnerability that hasn’t been identified by white-hat researchers or the vendors—resulting in a zero-day exploit—but most often they watch for public disclosures and updates from vendors to identify changes that have occurred in code.

6 Questions to Jumpstart Your IT Asset Management Strategy

IT asset management (ITAM) is a hot topic of 2020. Like almost everything else, managing lifecycle costs and minimizing risks has been a bit more complicated in recent months given the sudden shift to remote work and assets leaving the traditional workplace. It begs the question: are you maximizing the value from your current ITAM strategy? Let’s dive into this handy checklist of questions to help you answer the question above.

Threat Thursday: How Do You Prioritize Risk?

Do you focus on the right risks, in the right order? When I cross the street, I look both ways. I take a quick glance at my feet when I step off the curb to the road. Then, I begin an eight-second walk to the other side with one eye on the car rolling up to the stop sign. You probably do something similar. These simple tasks, executed in any other order, could spell disaster.