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Monitoring SaaS Applications for Network Administrators

Software as a Service (SaaS) is a mainstream way of bringing enterprise applications to hundreds of thousands of application users at a stable cost. Rather than loading client software on a desktop PC, we lease software from the cloud, and monitor how the SaaS application is delivered. That makes it available to everyone in the enterprise.

Auvik Use Case #4: Support All the Network Equipment Your Clients Have

It would be ideal if every network device you managed across all your client sites was from the same manufacturer, but for most MSPs that’s not the case—over 75% of MSPs manage four or more network vendors for their clients, and some manage upwards of 20. Even though taking care of diverse networks is standard procedure for most service providers, managing gear from multiple vendors is still, well, complex. It means handling different operating systems, different languages, and more.

How to monitor WAN load balancers

Since load balancers are active devices that can be included in the design of a WAN, the question arises: Should we adapt our monitoring scheme to include something that could be called Load Balancer Monitoring? To answer this question we can assume that WAN monitoring is based on the following fact: the behaviour of communication links directly affects the performance of applications and therefore the entire platform.

NetFlow Basics: An Introduction to Monitoring Network Traffic

To fully understand what NetFlow is and why it’s used for network monitoring, we first need to know what a flow is. When computers need to talk to one another they establish communication channels, commonly referred to as connections. (Technically speaking, these communication channels can only be called connections when the TCP protocol is involved.) A flow refers to any connection or connection-like communication channel.

Wifi monitoring: the range of the wireless signal with Pandora FMS

Although since 1985 the federal government of the United States of America provided the radio bands (frequencies) to be used for our daily use, it was not until 1999 when the brand Wi-Fi® was registered, which means wireless fidelity and in that same year was founded the WECA (Wireless Ethernet Compatibility Alliance).

Navigating Network Services and Policy With Helm

Deploying an application on Kubernetes can require a number of related deployment artifacts or spec files: Deployment, Service, PVCs, ConfigMaps, Service Account — to name just a few. Managing all of these resources and relating them to deployed apps can be challenging, especially when it comes to tracking changes and updates to the deployed application (actual state) and its original source (authorized or desired state).

Network Security Monitoring with Suricata, Logz.io and the ELK Stack

Suricata is an open source threat detection system. Initially released by the Open Information Security Foundation (OISF) in 2010, Suricata can act both as an intrusion detection system (IDS), and intrusion prevention system (IPS), or be used for network security monitoring.

Deep Packet Inspection: What's next?

Since all technology traffic analysers have evolved, and in order to answer the question of what the next step in this evolution is many experts suggest that the deep packet inspection is the point to which all will evolve. However, deep packet inspection is not a new concept; ISPs have been using it, not without controversy, for some years. Then why is it referred to as the next step?