Grafana Mimir is an open source distributed time series database. Publicly launched in March 2022, Mimir has been designed for storing and querying metrics at any scale. Highly available, highly performant, and cost-effective, Mimir is the underlying system powering Grafana Cloud Metrics, and it’s used by a growing open source community that includes individual users, small start-up companies, and large enterprises like OVHcloud.
Maybe you came across the term “vector database” and are wondering whether it’s the new kid on the block of data retrieval systems. Maybe you are confused by conflicting claims about vector databases. The truth is, the approach used by vector databases has been around for a few years.
To understand why Graphite metrics delay occurs, we must first know what Graphite is. Graphite is an open-source tool used to track the performance of websites, applications, and network servers. It makes it simple to monitor, store, retrieve, and visualize numeric time-series data. While Graphite does make it easier to render graphs on-demand, the struggle of dealing with large amounts of data with minimum delay is real.
Today’s world runs on data. We are constantly improving our solutions thanks to the plethora of data available to us in the public domain. Our society has seen a behavioral change when it comes to formulating remedies. We are increasingly adopting data-driven decisions, and rightly so. Now, talking about this whole data logic, where do you think this enormous amount of data gets stored? Well, the answer is a database!
We’re excited to introduce a dedicated Grafana Cloud integration for Apache CouchDB, a NoSQL document database that stores data in a JSON-based document format. Known for its scalability, availability, and easy replication of data across multiple servers, Apache CouchDB comes with a whole host of features designed to make it easy to run resilient distributed systems, with built-in bi-direcitonal replication allowing for simple replication across multiple servers and data centers.