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Secured access to business-critical resources for your remote workforce

Over the past several years, telecommuting, or remote work, has gained significant traction across a wide variety of industries. According to a recent survey conducted by OWL Labs, 48 percent of employees worked from home at least once a week in 2019, and 34 percent were even willing to take a pay cut in order to work remotely.

How labels in Loki can make log queries faster and easier

For the majority of the first year that we worked on the Loki project, the questions and feedback seemed to come from people who were familiar with Prometheus. After all, Loki is like Prometheus – but for logs! Recently, however, we are seeing more people trying out Loki who have no Prometheus experience, and many are coming from systems with much different strategies for working with logs.

Customer Story: Why Freshly Cooks with Sentry

On the surface, food delivery service seems straightforward. However, creating a food delivery startup is more like building a transportation and logistics company than pizza delivery. Coordinating web and mobile applications for seamless ordering, tracking, and delivery, all within razor-thin service windows, takes an unprecedented level of complexity (when you get it right). And once you begin to scale service, the technical challenges become even greater.

Intelligent Monitoring of the End-User Experience is Necessary in Healthcare Environments More than Ever

Originally published by Theresa Miller, Citrix CTP and VMware vExpert Healthcare workers are finding themselves more overwhelmed than ever with COVID-19, and the Health IT Professionals that support these workers with technologies that must be online and high performing are equally stressed. There is no time for EHR (Epic, Cerner, Allscripts, MEDITECH) or other system failures. All technology vendors must work in concert to deliver a successful end-user experience.

Rails Performance: When is Caching the Right Choice?

We've all been there. You're clicking around your Rails application, and it just isn't as snappy as it used to be. You start searching for a quick-fix and find a lot of talk about caching. Take your existing app, add some caching, and voila, a performance boost with minimal code changes. However, it's not this simple. Like most quick fixes, caching can have long-term costs.

Sharing Context Across Space and Time: Honeycomb for Teams

When Charity and I started pitching Honeycomb, we had a “bit” we would do, on the importance of building for teams: I’d identify her as the {Kafka, Mongo, insert tech-of-the-moment here} expert on the team, identify myself as the newcomer, and pantomime awkwardly leaning over her shoulder to see how she debugged some unexpected behavior.

What does Serverless have in common with Nutella and Why it is Here to Stay

There is an interesting discussion going on around how Serverless is more of a spectrum rather than a binary choice. The move towards the Serverless-end of the cloud spectrum builds upon a decades-old trend, which is why Serverless is here to stay.

The OpsRamp Monitor: Covid-19 May Further IT Modernization

Most IT professionals are working from home, enduring all the new challenges for productivity under a heavier workload. Some IT pros are working in companies where revenue forecasts are grim. But it’s time to put the gloom and doom aside for a moment. As my mother told me when our first-born was keeping us up all night: everything is temporary. While we’re in this unnerving phase of life and work, let’s take a look today at the positives and that begins with IT budgets.

Keeping Remote Workers Connected With Proactive VPN Monitoring

For companies who can’t—or just don’t—host all of their information and applications in the public cloud, VPNs are a gateway to business-critical resources that employees need to do their jobs when they’re not in the office. Since we’re in the middle of a global pandemic, most of us can’t go into our offices. But bills still need to be paid, customers still need to be contacted, and internal resources like line of business applications need to be accessed.

$25 Million Lost: Tech Issues Hit Businesses Where It Hurts

The phrase just a few months ago has never seemed to cover more ground than it does today. Well, just a few months ago, Nexthink commissioned a study with Vanson Bourne to find out the real state of the Digital Employee Experience. Vanson Bourne reached out to 3,000 IT leaders and employees across major markets in the USA, United Kingdom, Germany and France.