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How CloudZero Provides Unit Cost Better Than Anyone Else

At CloudZero, we’re pretty proud of the fact that our platform allows you to maximize your profitability by understanding your unit costs. In fact, our platform’s ability to help you easily track and analyze unit costs is one of the things that sets us apart the most from our competitors. Here is a brief breakdown of why our method of determining your company’s unit economics is so valuable and what our competitors offer — or don’t offer — in comparison.

Top 3 public cloud costs to watch

“We moved to the cloud and now everything is more expensive!” Unfortunately, this is a common utterance from companies that have made the leap to a public cloud-based architecture, and a slowdown in adoption growth seen during the pandemic is hitting providers big and small as organisations rationalise cloud spend in the face of rising costs. The good news is these costs can typically be reined in without too much disruption or the need to retreat from the cloud.

Azure IoT: Enabling the Future of Connectivity

As we stand on the brink of the fourth industrial revolution, the Internet of Things (IoT) has emerged as a key player in this brave new world. It’s akin to a jigsaw puzzle, providing the bits and pieces that, when properly assembled, can give rise to a complete and holistic picture of our digitized environment. At the heart of this transformation lies Microsoft’s Azure IoT, a comprehensive suite of services and solutions tailored to unlock the full potential of IoT.

Lower Your AWS Lambda Bill by Increasing Memory Size- yep!

Lambda allows you to allocate memory for your functions in increments of 1 MB, ranging from a minimum of 128 MB to a maximum of 10,240 MB (10 GB). When we specify the memory size for a Lambda function, AWS will allocate CPU proportionally. For example, a 256 MB function will receive twice the processing power of a 128 MB function.

Monetizing FOSS: PaaS Solutions for Open-Source Software

In today’s software development panorama, there's a philosophy which really stands out and continues to influence the thought processes of numerous creative minds and progressive organisations: Free and Open Source Software (FOSS). FOSS is a champion of collaboration, absolute accessibility, and the freedom to alter, share, and build upon existing software devoid of any licensing impediments.

Managing the challenge of migrating to the cloud

Migrating to the cloud has many advantages … until you’re the one tasked with making it happen. For many data professionals, this will be a first step from the traditional, predictable challenges of managing on-premises servers to the many and varied databases and platforms in the cloud. As many have discovered, it’s not simply a case of ‘lift and shift’.

Start your SNP VMs on Google Cloud

SEV-SNP is a new security feature that is available on AMD’s EPYC processors. It stands for Secure Encrypted Virtualization Secure Nested Pages. SEV-SNP provides a new level of protection for firmware by encrypting the memory pages that contain the firmware code. This makes it much more difficult for attackers to gain access to the firmware and launch attacks.

The No BS Guide To Understanding S3 Storage Costs

Curious how Amazon calculates your S3 Storage Costs? Or maybe you’re wondering how you can track, control , and optimize your Amazon S3 Storage bill. This guide provides an in-depth look at Amazon S3 pricing and how to calculate your S3 Storage costs. We’ll cover all the billable elements, and the specific factors that affect S3 Storage pricing. Then, we’ll provide some simple Amazon S3 cost optimization tips that you can use to minimize your storage costs.