Known for its cross-platform compatibility and elegant structure, ASP.NET Core is an open-source framework created by Microsoft for building modern web applications. With it, development teams can build monolithic web applications and RESTful APIs of any size and complexity. Thanks to CircleCI’s improved infrastructure and support for Windows platforms and technology, setting up an automated deployment process for an ASP.NET Core application has become even easier.
So, you’re looking for the right instance type for your public cloud workload, but how do you decide? Major cloud providers such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure Cloud and Google Cloud Platform (GCP) now offer such a large catalog of IaaS instances that it can become difficult to make sense of it all.
I have been an AWS customer since 2010 and in the early days I, along with just about everyone else on AWS, spent a lot of my time just managing infrastructure. Patching AMIs, configuring load balancers, updating auto-scaling configurations, and so on. It was the sort of thankless task that no one cared about until something went wrong! The very definition of what Werner Vogel often refers to as “undifferentiated heavy-lifting”.