Using spot instances for mission-critical workloads always carried the risk of interruptions, making their use, while financially attractive, less than ideal from a reliability perspective. Spot by NetApp has made it possible for cloud consumers to use spot instances for dramatic cost savings while ensuring high availability for all kinds of workloads. Core to our cloud infrastructure offerings is Spot Availability Scores, which are leveraged to provide maximum availability while mitigating risks.
In collaboration with the AWS team, we have recently released the new Athena data source plugin for Grafana. Athena is an interactive serverless service that makes it easy to analyze data in Amazon S3 using standard SQL. Athena supports a wide variety of data formats including CSV, JSON, ORC, Arvo, and Parquet. Athena also integrates with AWS Glue Data Catalog, which allows you to create tables and query data based on a central metadata store of many AWS services, such as CloudFront, ELB, and more.
Heroku is a cloud-based platform that helps companies build, deliver, monitor, and scale applications with high velocity. Heroku's popularity is due to its simplicity, usability, elegance, and focus on the developer experience. Developers find Heroku helpful as they can get their application ready and running with only minimal focus on configuring infrastructure. Heroku scores on easiness in architecting apps, deploying them to flexible cloud infrastructure, and scaling them as required.
There’s little doubt that cloud computing is now the absolutely dominant force across enterprise computing. Most companies have switched from buying their own hardware and software to renting both from vendors who host their services in vast anonymous data centers around the globe.
With Amazon S3’s scalable object storage, you can store and manage billions of objects across multiple AWS accounts, regions, and storage classes. S3 Storage Lens provides 29 useful metrics that give you deeper visibility into your S3 usage and activity across your entire organization. We are proud to be a pre-integrated AWS partner using the new CloudWatch publishing option to bring S3 Storage Lens metrics into Datadog for enhanced S3 storage monitoring.