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Get started and keep using AWS for free

Getting started with AWS and adding your credit card to your own account feels scary, but there are ways to get free credits so you can sleep better in the beginning. In this article, we’ll cover some tricks and tips to get started and keep using AWS for free. Stepping into some new terrain is hard. This is already true if it’s only about learning something new.

Mastering AWS identity and access management

From the basic to advanced concepts of AWS own service for identity and access management: users, groups, permissions for resources and much more. For seriously working with AWS, there’s no way around its Identity and Access Management (IAM) service. Skipping to understand its core principles will bite you again and again in the future️. Take the time to do a deep dive, so you won’t be frustrated later.

Insurance Claim Process Managed and Monitored with Serverless360

In recent times cloud computing has played a significant role in various domains. In this blog, we will look at how Serverless360 helps these domains fulfill their business needs. We will explore a global insurance provider’s business need with regional offices in several territories and partners in many countries who need to manage policies and contracts and submit claims from different countries to the customer to reduce the processing overhead and maximize automation opportunities.

Automating Cloud Security Posture Management Remediation

When we discuss cybersecurity and the threat of cyber attacks, many may conjure up the image of skillful hackers launching their attacks by way of undiscovered vulnerabilities or using cutting-edge technology. While this may be the case for some attacks, more often than not, vulnerabilities are revealed as a result of careless configuration and inattention to detail. Doors are left open and provide opportunities for attacks.

Cloudflare R2 vs Amazon S3

Cloudflare R2 is a new cloud object storage provider with an eye towards stealing market share from Amazon S3 by offering cheaper object storage that is S3-compatible. This value proposition resonates with many developers because Amazon S3, while powerful and deeply embedded with the rest of the AWS ecosystem, is expensive to use. AWS has also not made any price reductions for Amazon S3 since 2016, whereas some of its other staple services have seen significant price reductions.

Will Cloudflare R2 Win Customers from Amazon S3?

Cloudflare just announced Cloudflare R2, a cloud object storage service with some incredible features. Keep in mind, it is currently in early access so we don’t know everything yet. Cloudflare R2 promises to solve three main problems that make incumbent providers like Amazon S3 more complicated: It also offers a supposedly easy migration from S3-compatible storage buckets, and automatic replication of “blobs” across the world. In this post, I’m going to cover the following: ‍

Better Kubernetes application monitoring with GKE workload metrics

The newly released 2021 Accelerate State of DevOps Report found that teams who excel at modern operational practices are 1.4 times more likely to report greater software delivery and operational performance and 1.8 times more likely to report better business outcomes. A foundational element of modern operational practices is having monitoring tooling in place to track, analyze, and alert on important metrics.