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ABL in focus #8: Instrumenting distributed systems for operational visibility

Next in our series on the Amazon Builders’ Library, Lumigo Director of Engineering – and newly-minted Serverless Hero – Efi Merdler-Kravitz picks out the key insights from the article, Instrumenting distributed systems for operational visibility, by AWS Principal Engineer (AWS Lambda), David Yanacek.

Azure Monitor (Part 4): Working with Logs data using Kusto (KQL)

In the last couple of posts we covered the various ways of connecting data sources to Azure Monitor Logs (Part 2: Getting Started, Part 3: Solutions), so by now we should have loads of data to play around with. The data we’ve collected so far is largely just a blob, and probably not very useful at this point. “Solutions” help with this, but the real fun part starts now: making sense of the data you have using the Kusto Query Language – better known as KQL.

Kubernetes on AWS: EKS vs Kops

There are three popular methods for running Kubernetes on AWS: manually set up everything on EC2 instances, use Kops to manage your cluster, or use Amazon EKS to manage your cluster. Managing a Kubernetes cluster on AWS without any tooling is a complicated process that is not recommended for most administrators, so we will focus on using EKS or Kops. In this blog post, we compare cluster setup, management, and security features for both Kops and EKS to determine which solution you should use.

ServerlessDays Nashville & the serverless mindset

Whether you help architect serverless applications at work or you’re just getting started in the community, chances are you’ve caught wind of a ServerlessDays event. Each one gathers members of a local community to talk about where serverless technology currently stands and where it’s going. The best part is that they are a true community event, built by and for serverless users.

Azure Storage Queue vs Service Bus Queue

There are two types of queuing mechanisms supported by Azure. Storage Queues are part of the Azure Storage infrastructure, feature a simple REST-based GET/PUT/PEEK interface, providing reliable, persistent messaging within and between services. Service Bus Queues are part of a broader Azure messaging infrastructure that supports queuing as well as publish/subscribe mechanism, and more advanced integration patterns.

How Making Cost a Non-Functional Requirement Helps the CloudZero Engineering Team Build Better Architecture

I never used to care about the cost of the systems I built. As an engineer, why would I? Especially in the days before the cloud, infrastructure resources were purchased and procured by somebody who worked many levels above me. Even when I first started building on the cloud, I had to submit requests (again, to somebody many levels above me) for my resources.

Serverless Meetup Recap - AWS CloudFormation with Yves Gurcan

Team Stackery has been hosting the PDX Serverless Architecture meetup at our Portland office since June of 2018, although the meetup began the year before. It’s always great to see repeat visitors and new faces, and especially to see our community change over the months. In February, we had an entertaining, dynamic, and knowledgeable speaker in Yves Gurcan.

Azure API App vs Web App

Azure App Service, one of the most used among the Azure offered Services. When the requirement is to host web applications, REST APIs, and mobile back ends, Azure App Service is the go-to Http- based solution. Apps hosted in Azure App Service can be integrated with on-premises or cloud services. It supports both the Windows and Linux-based environments to run and scale the applications.

10 lessons from the AWS hackathon

This weekend I had the opportunity to participate in the AWS Hackathon in Portland. Based on the hackathons hosted at re:Invent, this brought together about 100 developers of all skill levels to break up into small teams and produce a demo product in 10 hours. I had a great time, and wanted to share what I learned! There may be organization-specific roadblocks to adopting AWS Lambda right now and therefore, it might not be the right fit for your team at this particular juncture.