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6 top risk factors to triage vulnerabilities effectively

Common Vulnerability Scoring System (CVSS) scores have been viewed as the de facto measure to prioritize vulnerabilities. Vulnerabilities are assigned CVSS scores ranging from one to 10, with 10 being the most severe. However, they were never intended as a means of risk prioritization. If you’ve relied on CVSS scores alone to safeguard your organization, here’s why you’re probably using them incorrectly.

Elasticsearch Vulnerability: How to Remediate the most recent Issues

An Elastic Security Advisory (ESA) is a notice from Elastic to its users of a new Elasticsearch vulnerability. The vendor assigns both a CVE and an ESA identifier to each advisory along with a summary and remediation details. When Elastic receives an issue, they evaluate it and, if the vendor decides it is a vulnerability, work to fix it before releasing a remediation in a timeframe that matches the severity.

Secure Your Endpoints with Trend Micro & Logz.io

Trend Micro Cloud One is a strong enterprise data security solution for data centers and cloud environments. Trend Micro’s advantages, like most other security tools, lie in its pairing with other security resources. That’s where Logz.io comes in. It brings together disparate data that Trend Micro tracks to create fully summarized dashboards and extremely detailed ones with specific focuses.

Writing Effective Snort Rules with Examples [Best Practices]

This post will help you write effective Snort Rules to materially improve your security posture. We’ll begin with a breakdown of how a Rule is constructed and then explore best practices with examples in order to capture as many malicious activities as possible while using as few rules as possible. Snort is an open-source network intrusion detection system (NIDS) that provides real-time packet analysis and is part of the Coralogix STA solution.

Dealing with data glut: Why ROT data is an issue, and how to manage it

As file storage grows rapidly year after year, new challenges arise around keeping data safe and maintaining control over data storage systems. Who owns which files? Whose files take up what volume of enterprise storage? Which files have become obsolete? How many copies of a file exist, and where? Are there any stale files that contain sensitive data? These questions require up-to-date answers to ensure that business, compliance, and data security needs are easily and effectively met.

Understanding and mitigating CVE-2020-8563: vSphere credentials leak in the cloud-controller-manager log

While auditing the Kubernetes source code, I recently discovered an issue (CVE-2020-8563) in Kubernetes that may cause sensitive data leakage. You would be affected by CVE-2020-8563 if you created a Kubernetes cluster over vSphere, and enabled vSphere as a cloud provider with logging level set to 4 or above. In that case, your vSphere user credentials will be leaked in the cloud-controller-manager‘s log.

Five Ways to Leverage Management Data to Improve Data Security

Data security improvements can be an expensive necessity, but there are ways to make those improvements for free using your network and systems management data. While your network and systems management platform can’t replace your SIEM or IDS, making these improvements can improve your efficiency in a variety of valuable ways. If you monitor down to the individual switch port level, which we always recommend, you’ll have very granular data that can be used to spot changes in behavior.

Domain controller patch alert! Vulnerability grants domain admin access in 10 seconds

A critical Active Directory vulnerability (CVE-2020-1472) has been making headlines for being the most notorious elevation of privilege bug because it can affect all computers and domain controllers in an organization. This high-risk vulnerability, dubbed Zerologon, gives threat actors easy, instant access to domain controllers without requiring any additional privileges. This attack does not even require a user to be authenticated; the user just needs to be connected to the internal network.

Lift the Haze of the Cloud With These 6 Considerations

Gartner says when COVID-19 hit the United States in March, 88% of businesses mandated or strongly encouraged employees to work from home. Sales, marketing, human resources, and most other business operations were all conducted from somewhere outside of the office. This drastic move required IT to accommodate employees in an entirely new way than what they had become accustomed to.

A Few Minutes More: Add Xray DevSecOps to Artifactory Enterprise on Azure

In a prior blog post, we explained how to install or update Artifactory through the Azure Marketplace in the amount of time it takes for your coffee order to arrive on the counter. Now you can add to your self-managed (BYOL) Artifactory deployment Xray, the cream of software component analysis (SCA) tools, through the Azure Marketplace as well.