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Announcing Graylog Illuminate for Authentication

Graylog Illuminate for authentication is a brand new offering designed by our Enterprise Intelligence team. It eliminates the manual setup necessary to detect, monitor, and analyze authentication activities and issues across your IT infrastructure by providing pre-built Dashboards, Alerts, and data enrichment. Initially, Graylog Illuminate for Authentication will address Windows authentication issues and activities. We will release additional data sources in the coming weeks so stay tuned!

Curtail security exploits in applications and fortify your remote endpoints

The trend of working from home has hit the ground running, and businesses have turned to strategies and tools that will ensure a no-plummet productive environment. There are two major forks in the road when it comes to provisioning remote endpoints—users can use their own devices, or the company can hand over corporate-owned devices.

Monitor Carbon Black Defense logs with Datadog

Creating security policies for the devices connected to your network is critical to ensuring that company data is safe. This is especially true as companies adopt a bring-your-own-device model and allow more personal phones, tablets, and laptops to connect to internal services. These devices, or endpoints, introduce unique vulnerabilities that can expose sensitive data if they are not monitored.

The Malicious Gocgle Campaign Targeting Customers' Payment Details

The COVID-19 virus epidemic has seen a 23% rise in visitors to UK independent ecommerce sites. On a global scale, many companies have transitioned to fully ecommerce-based business practices and are seeing an increase in online shoppers. This paradigm shift in business continuity means websites are increasingly vulnerable to being attacked.

Securing Azure Active Directory from PowerShell abuse

Malware attacks are evolving and once common tactics are becoming a thing of the past. Attack strategies, like using a third-party hacking program or injecting viruses from external sources, are almost obsolete as they leave a distinct footprint. Most antimalware tools can now detect the presence of a foreign program or device and immediately block them.

Virtual Elastic{ON} Gov Summit: Mindsets, solutions, and user stories for the future

We hosted our first ever virtual Elastic{ON} Gov Summit with one primary goal: recreate the collaboration and community-building we normally enjoy at our in-person Gov Summit in a new, virtual format. And we were humbled to be able to do just that. The event gathered more than 2,000 registered attendees from across government agencies and partners to collaborate while so many of us were social distancing across the nation.

Profiling "VIP Accounts" Part 2

In this post, we continue our discussion of use cases involving account take over and credential access in enterprise data sets. In the first part of this series, we introduced the definition of a VIP account as any account that has privileged or root level access to systems/services. These VIP accounts are important to monitor for changes in behavior, particularly because they have critical access to key parts of the enterprise.

Your return-to-the-office cybersecurity checklist

The novel COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way organizations work. The sudden transition to remote work has forced organizations to look for temporary fixes to bridge the gap, leaving their endpoints exposed to an unprecedented threat landscape. Insecure internet connections, a lack of perimeter security, and the inability to implement effective security policies have made remote endpoints a breeding ground for threat actors.