Phil Tee: Observability Requires the Marriage of AI, Metrics and Logs
Observability without AIOps is just noise.
Observability without AIOps is just noise.
In recent months, the major cloud and tech players have been unfurling their latest products and strategies to win enterprise dollars. One trend that’s catching fire is hybrid infrastructure management: the need to support a mix of on-premises, private cloud, and public cloud resources.
Any system connected to the Internet is vulnerable to malicious attacks and breaches. If it’s online, there’s someone out there trying to break into it and do something bad with it (usually stealing data). Plain and simple. To protect your most valuable assets, you need bulletproof security measures, a skilled SecOps team, robust investigation tools, and reliable prevention/mitigation strategies.
Cybersecurity is a hot topic. With high profile breaches making headlines on almost a monthly basis, combined with a far more restrictive regulatory environment, the need to responsibly protect your customers’ data has never been felt more keenly. It is estimated that a business is subjected to a ransomware attack every 14 seconds, predicted to drop to eleven seconds by 2021.
Before the need for log correlation, there was a time not so long ago when reading software application logs was simple. Your application would output log files in sequential order, and you’d read through them. In the event of a bug, software outage, or security incident, you could easily parse what happened and when. It was a tedious process, but it was simple.
At Sentry, we’re big fans of continuous integration and deployment. We’re also big fans of GitHub — and not just because we employ a number of notable GitHub alumni. We use our own GitHub integration to link issues, identify suspect commits that likely introduced new errors, and suggest assignees who can best resolve each issue. Last month, GitHub released GitHub Actions for general availability.
At AWS re:Invent recently, we excitedly announced Infrastructure Monitoring – our new Grafana-based monitoring product! This product is the third pillar of our cloud observability platform, together with Log Management and Cloud SIEM.
Hi there stroopwafel fans As we’re looking forward to publishing more Ruby, Elixir, and JavaScript posts in the coming 2020, we decided to take a look back at the blog posts that you gave the most hearts on Twitter, reads on the blog, and that we got the most appreciation for in 2019.
2019 has been a great year for cloud native technologies. This year we launched the world's first managed Kubernetes service back-ended by Rancher's k3s distribution, opened the #KUBE100 beta, and watched our users create some really neat things on our platform. To that end, we wanted to highlight some of our top posts from the wider Civo community, and posts that showcase the exciting state of play of the cloud native landscape at the moment.