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Canary deployments for IT operations

This article originally appeared in Jaxcenter. Canary deployments are a commonly-used DevOps practice for staggered rollouts, sending small updates to groups in order to catch and fix issues. Ultimately, experimenting with DevOps practices such as canary deployments can help IT (and IT operations) bridge the gap with the business and deliver more value, faster.

De-Risk Application Re-Factoring

While cloud adoption in general has been on the rise, the migration of business-critical legacy application workloads to the cloud has been relatively cautious. Apart from financial risk, the primary reason for this precaution is the inherent risk to business operations. Customers who venture into application refactoring have broadly two options...

The World's Smallest InfluxDB Server

I’ve built a lot of InfluxDB servers in my time here, and I’ve built some pretty esoteric ones at that, but I think I’ve finally pulled off what can only be described as the World’s Smallest InfluxDB Server! Back in the summer of 2019, I saw a project on CrowdSupply.com for something called the ‘Giant Board’. It looked really, really cool! A complete Single Board Computer (SBC) that ran Linux, all in a Feather form factor. I immediately backed it!

Part II: Artifactory as a Caching Mechanism for Package Managers

In our previous blog post we discussed the challenges with relying on external servers for downloading pre-build tools such as Curl, CLI, wget, Maven, Gradle, npm and others. We discussed how they can sometimes cause stability issues, also called “Environmental Issues”, that will break the build.

Application Compatibility Issues Make OS Migration a Headache for 75% of IT Professionals

New findings released by SolarWinds, following a survey of just under 200 IT pros via its THWACK community platform, reveal that most IT professionals migrating OS due to Windows 7 EOL expect it to cause a myriad of problems.

Monitor email workflows with Datadog Browser Tests

Monitoring your application from end to end is important for ensuring that core functionalities work as designed. Datadog’s browser tests help you verify that key user workflows—such as signing up for a new account—are consistent across devices and locations. Within these workflows, email often plays a key role in onboarding users and providing customers with important information about their accounts and application activity, such as profile changes and order confirmations.

Redefining Application Performance Monitoring: Trends to Watch Out in 2020

From monolithic architecture to distributed systems and microservices, the art of application development has changed over the years, and the needs for monitoring those applications have evolved with it. Application performance monitoring (APM) solutions now meet the monitoring needs of all applications deployed across various platforms, be it on-premise, cloud, or even hybrid models.