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Payload Size and Max PPS on AWS EC2 - No Effect

While benchmarking packets per second (PPS) in AWS EC2 and searching for hard-coded or other software-based limitations, my early findings suggested that there definitely was a credit mechanism, complete with network throttling, in place. I now know that to be false, since finding the guaranteed throughput / best effort mechanic.

4 ways to build strong, diverse teams in the tech industry

I’ve been on a lot of teams in my journey from a software engineer to head of product for Confluence Cloud. All of the best ones have had one thing in common: they were comprised of people from different walks of life who could view the world from different perspectives. So naturally when I started hiring my own teams, I knew promoting diversity at the workplace would be a priority for me.

Accelerate Your Career: Become an Agent of Transformation

A new global research report launched today by AppDynamics reveals the emergence of a new breed of technologist, primed to drive positive and sustainable change within their organizations over the coming years – The Agents of Transformation. Technology advancements continue to change the world in ways we’re only beginning to imagine – transforming the way we work, rest, and play.

5 Best Practices for Resolving Errors Quickly

I love writing software, but I hate dealing with bugs. They take you away from what you want to be doing and often lead you into a rabbit hole. At Sentry—an open-source error tracking platform that provides complete app logic, deep context, and visibility across the entire stack in real time—we have a few tips that we’ve honed over time to make error resolution painless (ok, less painful), including an official integration with PagerDuty.

Our Take on The New Stack's Guide to Serverless Technologies

We have read with great interest the recently released The New Stack ebook entitled: Guide to Serverless Technologies. It is a great report with great insights! We encourage you to read it as well (it's free!). We have recently closed our own survey and are tabulating the results and have seen many similarities and some differences in the responses. Weighing in on the findings of the New Stack survey in advance of releasing our report, we wanted to comment on three key themes from this eBook…

Level Up With Derived Columns: Wibbly-Wobbly Timey-Wimey Manipulation

When we released derived columns last year, we already knew they were a powerful way to manipulate and explore data in Honeycomb, but we didn’t realize just how many different ways folks could use them. We use them all the time to improve our perspective when looking at data as we use Honeycomb internally, so we decided to share. So, in this series, Honeycombers share their favorite derived column use cases and explain how to achieve them.