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Security and real-time Linux in a shifting automotive world

Software is completely changing the automotive industry - from vehicle design to use and maintenance. The whole lifecycle now relies on software and vehicles resembling “computers on wheels”. But vehicles aren’t regular devices like smartphones. They move humans at hundreds of kilometers per hour and need to be safe and secure at all times. When there is software involved, there are always security vulnerabilities. No cybersecurity expert can say the opposite. How can the automotive industry navigate the shift towards software-defined vehicles while ensuring the best level of security?

Avoid kubernetes security risks with hardening best practices

Hardening a system is synonymous with reducing its attack surface: remove unnecessary software packages, lock down default values to the tightest possible settings and configure the system to only run what you explicitly require. Why would you want to harden your infrastructure and systems to start with? Isn’t Linux secure enough already? A fully secure system is made up of many layers, from the hardware to the operating system and the application servers running your mission-critical code.

Roundtable: Energy sector experts discuss the migration from CentOS

As support ends for CentOS, the HPC community is left to decide what platform to migrate to. For many, the decision comes down to cost and support. This roundtable brings together HPC experts and energy industry leaders in HPC to discuss the impact of the CentOS reitirement on the energy sector, HPC and AI/ML technology, and how companies can navigate this transition. This discussion took place on June 28, 2022.

Canonical Edge Demo - AWS Deployment

Microk8s cluster deployment on AWS via CAPI In this demo, we will be deploying a microk8s cluster on AWS. The cluster consists of 3 control plane and 3 worker nodes. The deployment is performed using Cluster API (CAPI). For the full demo, join us at MWC Barcelona 2023 where you'll be able to see Spectro Cloud's Palette automation engine deploying and managing Canonical's MicroK8s Kubernetes distribution on Ubuntu OS with real-time kernel. Witness the capabilities to create, scale, upgrade, and destroy Kubernetes clusters, with demonstrations on AWS and Edge use cases.

Adopt open source securely from bare metal to cloud

It’s no secret that developers prefer to use open-source software in their projects. However, the Log4Shell attack or the more recent PyPl crypto miner packages have taught us that there are questions around how it should be managed. At Canonical we have been dealing with open-source security issues since the very first release of Ubuntu and way before the topic became number 1 on every CISO priority list. In this video, our team discusses how your company can manage these challenges and lay the software foundation of a successful cybersecurity program.

Open source security: best practices for early detection & risk mitigation

What knowledge, tools, and processes do you need to keep your open-source software free from vulnerabilities and threats? Many open-source projects are well-maintained by software vendors or individuals. Yet, studies show that 80% of codebases used by enterprises contain vulnerabilities (half of which are high-risk vulnerabilities that can be exploited). Hackers scan for outdated systems that contain vulnerabilities, which they then exploit by deploying targeted malware. In this webinar, we will discuss best practices for keeping your systems up to date.