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AWS re:Invent 2022 - Ubuntu and beyond: Securely managing open source on AWS

More and more companies are using open source. But how should it be secured? Similar or more urgent questions arise in the container world. Canonical is committed to securing open-source applications with not only Ubuntu but also a host of open-source applications for output (NGINX and Apache), runtime (Go, Node.js, and PHP), messaging (Kafka and RabbitMQ), data (MySQL, PostgreSQL, and Memcached) and observability and utilities (Prometheus and Grafana).

Security and real-time Linux in a shifting automotive world

Software is completely changing the automotive industry - from vehicle design to use and maintenance. The whole lifecycle now relies on software and vehicles resembling “computers on wheels”. But vehicles aren’t regular devices like smartphones. They move humans at hundreds of kilometers per hour and need to be safe and secure at all times. When there is software involved, there are always security vulnerabilities. No cybersecurity expert can say the opposite. How can the automotive industry navigate the shift towards software-defined vehicles while ensuring the best level of security?

AI retail solutions: Market basket analysis

Retail is being reinvented by Artificial intelligence, and Machine Learning and retailers are challenged to respond to customers’ needs and preferences. From personalised promotions to inventory management, there is a wide spectrum of ai use cases in retail that are addressed by technological innovations. It is an industry that is rich in data, and more than using it to connect dots, machine learning retail solutions needs to gather insights to offer a better experience and retain clients.

How to build an EKS kubernetes cluster with Ubuntu 20.04 on FIPS mode

Many clients have specific requirements for running their EKS Kubernetes clusters with Ubuntu: OS alignment across platforms, sysadmin knowledge or specific kernel features such Real Time Kernel or FIPS mode. If your workloads need to run on FIPS mode for compliance, you will not only need to create your containers on FIPS mode (in other words, with FIPS certified crypto libraries) but also, since containers share kernel with host/worker nodes, you need to have also the worker node's kernel running on FIPS mode.