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Achieving Operational Excellence with N-able

After 20+ years as an N-able partner, Dave Brewer and BC Networks believe the operational excellence they've achieved sets them apart from other MSPs. Brewer sat down with N-able at Empower 2022 to talk about his journey with N-able, how his company uses N-central, SentinelOne EDR, and DNS Filter. Brewer also discussed what he thinks are the most important things for MSPs to look for in 2023 and why cybersecurity is such a high priority.

CEO explains how Cove Data Protection exceeded his expectations

When Glen Buhler, CEO of Oxygen Technologies received the business case for Cove Data Protection, he could hardly believe it. He was even more shocked when his team implemented it, and exceeded his expectations. List to Glen explain how Cove Data Protection as a choice for backup is saving his company up to $250,000 a year and lots, and lots of time.