Operations | Monitoring | ITSM | DevOps | Cloud


Active Directory analytic app - use predefined reports and monitors, get insights in minutes

The New Active Directory log analysis app will automate your entire Log Management lifecycle. 3 short steps - 1. Add data 2.Deploy the app & 3.Gain insight and monitor AD logs with predefined reports and dashboards.

Machine Learning CAN Help Your NOC Win The Battle...Just Keep These 5 Things In Mind

Before you arm your own NOC with machine-learning tools, you should be aware of - and avoid - five common problems you’re likely to encounter. Join NOC and IT Ops veterans from BigPanda as they discuss these common - and potentially crippling - problems.

How to add "unlimited" SMS support?

Your monthly monitoring plan includes predefined number of monthly SMS messages which are used to notify you about outages. For some users this number may be low and for this reason we decided to write short tutorial how to add your own SMS provider which is limited only by available credit on your account. In this tutorial we will describe how to integrate with Nexmo but similar method could be applied for other SMS providers.

Motadata - Network Management System | Log Management | IT Service Management

Motadata is strongly positioned to enable Telco’s, Enterprise and Government sectors to streamline their IT operations with next-gen product suite which is pre-integrated yet modular, consisting of (1) Infrastructure Intelligence Platform (IIP) for #NetworkMonitoring (2) Data Analytics Platform (DAP) for #LogManagement & Flow Analytics and (3) ITServiceManagement Platform for IT Service Automation.

We can do better failure detection in serverless applications

Traditionally in white-box monitoring, error reporting has been achieved with third party libraries, that catch and communicate failures to external services and notify developers whenever a problem occurrs. I’m here to argue that for managed services this can be achieved with less effort, no agents and without performance overhead.