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Dramatic AWS Savings Strategies From Successful Brands

Amazon Web Services (AWS) has emerged as the leader in cloud computing. As the dominant cloud service provider, AWS offers a vast array of solutions encompassing computing power, storage options, and networking capabilities to businesses across the globe. Its popularity stems not only from its comprehensive services, but also from its scalability, allowing businesses of all sizes to expand their cloud footprint without unprecedented ease and flexibility.

What Is AWS Graviton? Here's When To Use It

When Amazon Web Services (AWS) launched its new Arm-based processors, some circles believed it was a game-changer for the public cloud markets. To begin with, it was the first time Arm architecture would roll out for enterprise-grade utility, and at a colossal scale. Arm processors had only run on smaller, less demanding devices such as iPhones. So why adopt it for much more demanding workloads in cloud services?

5 Ways You Can Use Automation To Optimize Your Cloud Spend

Automation is the result of taking a manual task or process and making it automatic with little to no manual intervention. It plays a crucial role in optimizing your cloud spend, as it can be applied to save several hours in various scenarios within your service’s operation. Here, at CloudZero, discussing automation is no stranger to us. We have information about what automation is and some common tools to help in this guide.

The Frugal Architect, Law II: Systems That Last Align Cost To Business

This is part two of seven in our Frugal Architect blog series. Read part one here. In case you weren’t as giddy as CloudZero was at re:Invent this year, we wanted to recount the seven laws outlined by Werner Vogels, Amazon’s CTO, which he’s bundled into a framework called “The Frugal Architect” (check out the whole framework here). What is “The Frugal Architect”? A constitution of sorts for how engineers can build high-functioning, cost-efficient cloud software.

21+ DevOps Monitoring Tools Vital To Success

DevOps emphasizes continuous improvement, rapid delivery, and cost optimization. It does this by recommending several engineering best practices you can implement in your IT environments. DevOps also emphasizes automation to improve efficiency and engineering velocity in software delivery. In this guide, we will cover the importance of DevOps monitoring. This will include what to monitor and a list of some of the best monitoring tools for DevOps teams.

How To Maximize Free Cloud Resources Without Overstepping

Navigating the cloud computing landscape often involves a delicate balancing act between leveraging available resources and managing costs. Amazon Web Services (AWS), a leader in cloud services, offers an enticing proposition through its Free Tier, especially with services like Amazon EC2 and RDS. These offerings present a unique opportunity for IT professionals to push the boundaries of cloud computing, but they also pose the challenges of staying within budgetary constraints.

10 Top Kubernetes Alternatives (And Should You Switch?)

Containers and microservices are revolutionizing how distributed applications are built, run, and optimized. They enable apps to be highly scalable. You can also isolate some areas for updates and patches without shutting down the entire application or service. Yet, managing containers and microservices at scale can be tricky. That’s where a container management platform like Kubernetes comes in – or, as you’ll see below, where the top Kubernetes alternatives shine.

The 25 Most Crucial Software Engineering Tools In 2024

As a modern software engineer or CTO, you’re responsible for building, delivering, and maintaining high-quality software solutions at scale. Yet, software programs have grown increasingly complex over time, requiring meticulous work. The competition threatens to take your subscribers every billing cycle if you don’t constantly innovate, too. Customers want more, bigger, and better upgrades and updates.

What To Do When A Customer (Or Segment) Is Costing Your SaaS Business Too Much

You’re a responsible SaaS company leader, so you understand the importance of tracking your cloud costs in detail. Perhaps you’ve even begun working with us at CloudZero, and you’re starting to see data and insights hit your dashboard. If so, you may have noticed — because this happens to all of us in the SaaS world at some point — that some customers cost your business far more than others. Suppose you’re also tracking your revenue per customer.