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Monitor a Laravel app with Scout

Last month we talked about the PHP monitoring landscape in 2019 and announced that Scout APM would soon be available for monitoring your Laravel applications too (as well as your Ruby, Python and Elixir apps of course!). Now that our PHP monitoring agent is ready for beta testing, we thought it would be a good idea to show you folks how easy it is to get started with it and to highlight the main features to the Laravel community.

A Guide to Streams in PHP: In-Depth Tutorial With Examples

You’ve already used PHP streams in your PHP development. However, they’re transparent, so you may not have noticed them. Streams are powerful tools. In this article, you’ll learn to harness the power of streams in your PHP development and take your applications to the next level. Streams provide on-demand access to data. This means you don’t need to load the entire contents of your dataset into memory before processing can start.

2019 PHP Monitoring Options

There is no denying the popularity of PHP. It has been a constant force in the web development world since its release way back in 1995. And now in 2019, thanks to Laravel, it is still going as strong as ever! Here at Scout, recently we have been working hard on providing a PHP performance monitoring agent to sit alongside our existing ruby, python and elixir agents.

How to collect, customize, and analyze PHP logs

PHP logs are not just about errors. You can use logs to track the performance of API calls and function calls, or to count the occurrence of significant events in your applications (e.g., logins, signups, and downloads). Whether you’re operating a microservices architecture or a monolith, implementing a comprehensive PHP logging strategy will allow you to track critical changes in your applications and optimize their performance.

Symfony Performance Improvements: Tips and Techniques

Perhaps you came upon this post while looking at ways to improve Symfony performance. Or maybe you read our comparison of Laravel and Symfony and want to know more. You could have gotten here because you want to write a performant app from the start. Then again, you could just love reading all of Stackify’s blog posts. And who could blame you? However you got to this post, or whatever goals you may have, I’m here to talk to you about Symfony performance tuning.