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ChaosSearch Announces New Integration With Opsgenie

ChaosSearch is excited to announce its new integration with Opsgenie — Atlassian’s alerting and incident management platform. Using this integration, your teams can leverage the industry’s most powerful and comprehensive data monitoring and analytics capabilities channeled into a unified workflow through Opsgenie’s easy-to-use interface.

Reign in the Chaos of Security Threats with ChaosSearch

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an incredible impact on the world as nations work to keep their economies moving, secure the health and welfare of their citizens through social distancing, testing, and an immediate transition to remote work and classrooms. The world is adopting these measures while anxiously waiting for the great scientific institutions and private enterprises to test and deliver a vaccine to eradicate the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus we know as Covid-19.

In the ChaosSearch era we solved the problem in 3 minutes

In the late afternoon of a beautiful June day, a last-minute customer error was threatening to derail the end of my work day. We received communication from the customer that was simply titled, “There’s a weird error message happening.” The customer included a screenshot of the interface with a nasty SQL error that was propagating to the surface.

Kubernetes is eating the world; you can digest K8's plume

Innovation in hypervisor technology in the early 2000’s from both commercial and open source projects was the genesis for the public cloud as we know it today. Virtualization and Moore’s law, together with advances in storage technology, mobile and wireless, created a data explosion that continues to accelerate through today.

The Importance of Cloud Performance and Security Platforms

Work, education, and even many of our leisure activities have all moved on-line at an incredible pace due to current social distancing mandates. The digital backbone of the Internet and the SaaS services that drive our personal and professional lives are now foundational. Ensuring that these systems are operating optimally and securely is of paramount importance.


ChaosSearch is a fully managed, secure service on AWS backed by S3 as a data store. With a few clicks, customers can be up and running in minutes, all at a fraction of the cost of running your own Elasticsearch cluster or ELK Stack.